Page 120 of Beginnings

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“It’s so true. I can’t believe how my life went off course, and has unfolded in the most beautiful way.”

“Speaking of your life unfolding, we need to get you ready. I’m not going to be responsible for presenting an unfinished Luna to the Alpha tonight,” Layla says, tapping her watch.

“Okay, I’m all yours.” I sit down so Layla can begin her work. It’s a whirlwind of curling irons, bobby pins and make-up as Chloe, Vanessa and I are prepped for tonight’s ceremony, but all I can think about is the elation on Ethan’s face when I told him we’re having a baby.

I turn to look at the finished product once everyone has left the room. My gown is gorgeous, my make-up is perfect, and I have a low bun of large curls. Ethan will love this. I can now hear the muffled sound of music playing and the talking of guests.

Holly, our event planner, comes in to set up the live feed so I can see what’s happening before making my entrance. Ethan is shaking hands and talking with guests. He looks so distinguished and sexy in his tuxedo, and I can’t wait to be in his arms. At 6:00 on the dot, Ethan goes to the stage at the end of the ballroom, and we can tell he’s about to speak. Holly turns up the volume so we don’t miss anything.

“Good evening,” Ethan begins, and the crowd quiets. “I’d like to welcome you all and thank you for attending this very important and special event this evening. As you all know, I recently found my mate, and we are here tonight to introduce to you, the new Luna of the Pinewood Pack. Before I do, though, I would like to address the rumors that have been circulating.

“Yes, it is true. When I met my mate, she was human, and completely unaware of our werewolf society. However, she listened, understood, and embraced me as her mate, as well as all of us as a community. She embraced it so much, that she gave up life as she knew it as a human, and went through the process of transitioning to become one of us. It wasn’t an easy road. She endured great physical pain and trauma, but she’s strong, and she came through with fortitude.”

“Okay, get ready. It’s almost time for you to go out,” Holly says, ensuring my microphone is in place on my gown and ushering me down the hall behind the curtain to the back opening of the stage.

“You will see for yourselves right away that this woman is incredibly beautiful, but when you speak with her, you will discover just how exceptional she is. She’s loving, intelligent and kind. She conducts herself with integrity, and I’m beyond proudto have her by my side. As the Alpha of this pack, I ask you to accept and respect her as my Luna and mate. It is my great honor to present to you my mate, my fiancée, and the Luna of Pinewood, Olivia Newman.”

Ethan turns to face the entrance to the stage, smiling and holding his hand out to me. The look on his face when I step into the light in my gown is priceless and something I’ll never forget. There are small gasps followed by the roar of applause from the crowd. Ethan takes my hand and pulls me to his side. We stand smiling together as the crowd continues to applaud. As the room falls silent, Ethan turns to me and begins to speak again.

“Olivia, you have made me happier than I’ve ever been. You make me a stronger man and a better Alpha for this pack. Will you do me the great honor of standing by my side as the Luna of Pinewood? Do you accept your position here in this pack?”

“It would be my absolute pleasure. Yes, I respectfully accept the position as the Luna of Pinewood.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Luna Olivia Newman,” Ethan announces, beaming, and then pulling me into a kiss. The guests roar with applause once again. “We have one more announcement,” he says as our guests quiet down. “Olivia and I received some incredible news this afternoon. It seems we have wasted no time making our family of two into a family of three.” I see Caroline’s hands go up to her face in surprise while Edwin beams with pride. “We are so excited to share with you, Olivia is carrying my child. We are expecting a baby!” Our guests once again erupt with cheers and applause. “Thank you so much for sharing this evening and special moment with us. Please, enjoy yourselves.” Ethan removes our microphones and leads me by my hand down the stairs to the front of the stage. The first to greet us are Edwin and Caroline.

“Congratulations to you both,” Caroline says, pulling Ethan into a hug first, then moving to me. “I’m going to be agrandmother. I’m so happy.” She puts her hand on Ethan’s cheek. “And my son is going to be a father. I love you, Ethan.”

“Thanks, Mom. I love you, too.”

“We are so proud of you, Olivia,” Edwin says, kissing my cheek and shaking Ethan’s hand. “I couldn’t possibly be more excited to be a grandfather.”

I’m then bombarded from behind by Chloe, who is followed by Nick. “You’re the Luna! I’m so happy for you!” Chloe practically screams, giving me a huge hug. “Congratulations!” She pulls Ethan into a hug next.

“Congratulations,” Nick says, hugging me and then shaking Ethan’s hand. “Congrats, dude. You’re both going to be awesome parents.”

“Thanks, everyone,” Ethan says. “We couldn’t be happier. Now we need to circulate and introduce Olivia to people, but first, I need a moment alone with my Luna.” He pulls me off to a private hallway behind the ballroom. “I don’t even have words to describe how fucking gorgeous you look tonight,” he says before devouring my mouth with his kiss.

“Thank you,” I say when we break for air. “I hoped you’d be pleased. You look so hot in this tuxedo.”

“Oh, I’m beyond pleased. I don’t know what I did to be so blessed.” He looks into my eyes and reaches the center of my core.

“I feel the same,” I say, placing my hand on the back of his neck.

He kisses me once more before deciding we shouldn’t take any more time to ourselves. He takes my hand and introduces me to several Alpha and Luna pairs from other packs, a few even coming from the other side of the United States. I’m amazed by how many packs are represented here tonight. I laugh to myself when I think about how humans have no idea what’s happeningaround them. I also have the privilege of meeting several local business owners and professionals from our community.

Sitting at our table with Ethan’s family in preparation for dinner, we finally come face to face with Vanessa and Austin. “Olivia, you look beautiful. Congratulations! I can’t believe I’m going to be an aunt,” Vanessa greets me as we sit down, then nudges Austin to say something.

“Luna, congratulations. You look amazing,” Austin says with a nod and a smug smirk.

“Thank you both. Vanessa, you look beautiful,” I say while Ethan scowls.

“Thank you, Olivia. Ethan, you remember my date, Austin, right?” she says with a bright smile. Edwin clears his throat and raises an eyebrow at his daughter.

“Hello, Alpha Sullivan,” Austin says with a grin, putting his arm around Vanessa, and rubbing her shoulder with his thumb. He definitely has some balls, I’ll give him that, but he’s clearly lacking brain cells. Ethan’s hand visibly tightens around his water glass, and I’m shocked it doesn’t shatter. Austin knows Ethan isn’t going to make a scene right now, and he’s taking full advantage.

“Yeah, I remember him,” Ethan says. I rub Ethan’s thigh under the table in an attempt to calm him when he turns to whisper in my ear, “You should be careful where you place that hand, or I might have to find a private room so you can really calm me down.”

“Ethan,” I whisper with a giggle, my face flushing and eyes widening, although I know it’s unlikely anyone else at the table heard his comment. Part of me is excited at the possibility of such a scenario.

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