Page 28 of Kissed By an Alien

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“Wait, that’s what this is about?” Ryo asked.


“She didn’t obstruct; she doesn’t have access to the server logs.”

“And if you recall,” Mere said, “I mentioned you would need to talk to Mr. Shiratori for that information.”

“No, you didn’t.” Okabe’s gaze kept track of all the windbreaker-wearing people, but she spared a second to shoot her a dark glance.

Gaudin fidgeted, his hands balled at his sides, and a flush settled in his cheeks.

“Your partner seems to remember, Special Agent Okabe.”

Her laser focus turned to Gaudin, and he fidgeted some more.

“Now that she mentions it, I remember her saying something of the sort. Sorry. But she acted suspiciously helpful.”

Okabe didn’t hide her eye roll and the set of her lips said her partner would hear the sharp side of her tongue in the very near future.

“You have my apologies, Mr. Shiratori and Ms. Larsen. We’re still going to have our techs go over everything again. And I still need those files Ms. Larsen doesn’t have access to.”

“Of course, Special Agent Okabe. Please come see me upstairs when you have finished here.” Ryo kept his usual glare for chuckleheads to himself, but when they busied themselves elsewhere, he muttered, “You did give them a lot of documents, Mere.”

“They didn’t specify the time period in writing, so I gave them all we had until Special Agent Okabe told me they only needed the last year. I called you and you said cooperate, so I did. If they wanted fewer records, they should have made that clear.”

He looked at her sideways, the barest twitch of his lips giving away his amusement. “Next time, they should be more specific. I’ll make sure to inform Okabe.”

“Thanks, Ryo.”

“Anything you’re not telling me?”

“Oh, loads, but nothing you need to know.”

He clapped a hand on her shoulder. “Good. Keep it that way. Tell me the story someday, will you?”

“You wouldn’t believe me.”

He chuckled and left through the front door. Access to the upper floors was off the main entrance and the only way there was to exit the library and reenter the building one door down.

Dee sidled up to her when a couple techs kicked her out of her comfort zone behind the circulation desk.

“What’s going on?”

“They’re looking for someone suspicious.”

“Anyone we know?” Dee’s voice was dry. This town would be considered full of suspicious people depending on who you talked to.

Mere lowered her voice to a bare whisper. “Don’t mention Anders. Don’t lie, but don’t use his name if you can help it. Pass it along.”

“Will do,” Dee whispered conspiratorially.

Though Anders was a newcomer, Mere wasn’t. The town would help because of Mere, her aunt, and her dad. As annoying as small-town life could be, with everyone in everyone else’s business, they protected their own. She had asked for help, and Strawberry Creek would deliver.

Two hours later, the techs finished and Gaudin and Okabe went upstairs. Mere picked up the phone as soon as their footsteps faded and called Nadine.

“What’s up, favorite great-niece?”

“I’m your only great-niece, Aunty Nay.” Some habits were hard to break, even if the matter was urgent. “Were you able to rally the cavalry?”

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