Healing Love

Author: Cameron Hart
Category: Romance
Total pages: 26

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Healing Love

My only goal in life was to follow in my father’s footsteps and become an Army Ranger. When I made rank, I finally felt complete. I served my country for a decade until I damn near lost my leg on that last mission.

Now I’m struggling my way through physical therapy with the cheeriest, bubbliest, curviest woman I’ve ever met. I don’t understand how Brielle can smile when the world is so cruel and unfair. She’s probably just too young to have experienced any real pain. Give it a few years and her light will dim.

The thing is, I don’t think I truly want her to become cynical like me. I crave her light. Her sweetness. Her unique perspective on life.

When I discover that life isn’t so perfect for my sunshiney physical therapist, my protective instinct kicks in and I jump into action. Now that I’ve got Brielle so close, I’m not sure I can let her go…


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