For the Love of Animals

Author: Elise Noble
Category: Romance
Total pages: 63

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For the Love of Animals

Dali the dog

Sniper Carmen Hernandez has two goals—kill drug lord Miguel Lozano and survive her mother’s matchmaking efforts. Dating is a minefield, and the assholes in her special forces unit have put her off men for life.

Assassin Nate Wood has two goals—kill drug lord Miguel Lozano and get the hell out of Mexico. He has a company to run as well as a house to finish renovating, and women are a distraction he doesn’t need right now.

Too bad a puppy messes up all of their plans.

Picky the pony

Sarah’s life has been a series of bad decisions, from dating an idiot to winning a dilapidated cottage in an online property auction. Then there’s Picky, the skinny pony she bought on impulse. So why did she think it would be a good idea to go riding on Dartmoor at dusk?

Houdini the hamster

Schoolteacher Cara has Christmas all planned out. She’ll clear up the mess left by twenty-three eight-year-olds at their end-of-term party, cook dinner for one, then settle in for a TV marathon. But a tiny hamster has other ideas…

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