Escaping the Darkness

Author: Georgia Wells
Category: Romance
Total pages: 65

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Escaping the Darkness

We came so close to escape.
Or so it seemed.

As soon as we turned around outside, we discovered how wrong we were.

Sam isn't letting us go anywhere.

I'm not the giving-up type. Despite the torture, I've found comfort and physical release in Drake. Thank goodness he's here to help me keep my sanity. I will find a way to free us and everyone here in the dollhouse.

Every time we get close to escape, Sam is there to stretch us beyond our hardest limits. The great hunt begins, and it's hunt or be hunted.

Every time we get close to escape, Sam relishes in torturing us, punishing us, and forcing us to delve deeper and deeper into ourselves.

But then Sam makes a mistake. He tries to make me do the one thing I'd rather die than do.

Now I'm truly determined.
Now I'm on a mission.
Now I'm pissed.

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