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"Make me come," I moaned.

A moment later another icy hot shot of pain hit me. Drake had shoved his thumb into my asshole. The agony of it scrambled my brain, and my pussy throbbed. I’d gone mad, and I didn’t care. I clawed at Drake’s thigh, leaving bright red trails where my nails dug into his skin. Drake grunted in pain. Happy with my work, I wrapped my lips around his dick again, the thick throbbing flesh filling my mouth.

Releasing his balls, I stroked him and sucked while he fucked me with his tongue and thrust his thumb in and out of my ass. The pain in my ass and the pleasure he gave me with his tongue was like a seesaw of ecstasy. Pleasure, pain, pleasure, pain, over and over. Soon, Drake began to thrust his hips into me. He was close. Planting my hands on the floor, I relaxed my mouth and tongue, letting him throat fuck me. The head of his cock slammed into the back of my mouth. Despite the way my throat clenched and my body wanted to gag and revolt against the appendage that thrust into it, I didn’t stop, couldn’t push him away. Instead, I pulled him even deeper. The pleasure of giving him physical bliss overrode anything else. Again, he slapped my ass with his free hand, sending another jolt of terrifying ecstasy through me.

Drake’s hips slammed toward my mouth two more times before his cock throbbed and twitched. A spurt of warm, thick cum burst into my mouth. Latching my lips around him, I sucked eagerly, swallowing every drop of the salty fluid until he was dry. Drake shoved his thumb even deeper into my asshole and sucked at my clit sending me over the edge. His dick still in my mouth, I grunted around the thick flesh as the climax took me. I jerked and twitched, grinding my pussy on his face until the orgasm at last receded, leaving us both breathing heavy and a tangle of limbs on the floor. His dick slipped free of my mouth at last as I collapsed against him.

Now that we were done, my body responded to all we’d inflicted on each other. My nipple ached, my asshole burned like it was on fire, and my buttcheeks throbbed with heat from being spanked and slapped. The spots where I’d clawed Drake had thin and tiny strips of blood. The logical part of my brain spoke up again, screaming at me that what we’d just done was crazy and immoral and a dozen other things that should have filled me with shame. The far bigger part of my conscience was basking in the afterglow of some of the most amazing sex I’d ever experienced. I couldn’t feel bad about it even if I tried.

Chapter 5


Whoop-whoop-whoop. The shrill and ear splitting alarm ripped through my room, tearing me from sleep and almost causing me to tumble from bed in confused panic. I couldn’t think or get my bearings. The tattered remnants of a dream were quickly vanishing from my mind, and I bitterly wished I could have been allowed to finish. It had been a replay of my time with Drake the day before. Though, in the dream we’d been whipping each other with the leather straps while fucking. It had been an enjoyable fantasy, but now I’d been pulled back into the waking nightmare that was my life.

The siren continued as I hurried to get dressed. My ears were ringing, and a headache was forming behind my left eye from the noise when it finally turned off. I let out a heavy relieved sigh. As much as I took comfort in the sudden silence, the quiet was also disconcerting. Sam had never woken us up like that. The only other time I’d even heard that alarm was when we’d escaped the house. Dread filled me while I finished tying my shoes. My heart fluttered in my chest. This would be bad. Before I could overthink what it all might mean, my cuff buzzed a message:

Report to the weapons room

I frowned at the message. The weapons room? What the fuck was that? I’d never heard of that room. I’d been in the house long enough to have gotten a good lay of things. There were still several doors that remained closed and locked all the time. This must have been one of those. Had anyone else ever been there? Hell, if none of us knew where to go, what happened if we were late? I gritted my teeth, assuming it may have been part of Sam’s plan to fuck with us.

The door of my room clicked and swung open. As nervous as I was, I still headed straight for it. Whatever was coming wasn’t going to stop because I sat in my room terrified. The others had all begun to filter into the hall too. Bri looked on the verge of panic, darting her eyes around the hall, searching for danger. Elise, Liam, and Payton had their heads down like beaten and broken dogs, scared their owner would slap or kick them again. Drake was the only one who didn’t look like he was terrified, but the look of irritation on his face told me this was something he’d not experienced since being here.

"Does anyone know where the weapons room is?" I asked.

Drake opened his mouth to speak, but Bri cut him off. "Second floor. I noticed it my first few days here. I," she paused and swallowed hard, "um, I had to get an ax for…something."

Our group followed Bri as she led us up the stairs and to the lone door that was open on the second floor. The room was terrifying. The walls were painted matte black, the lighting was low, casting shadows across the floor. Gleaming blades hung from the walls, knives, axes, scalpels, and machetes. There was a selection of bows and arrows and crossbows along with bolts. Baseball bats, metal batons, tasers, pepper spray aerosol sprayers, and a remarkable selection of rope and wire. There was also a rack of pistols on the furthest wall. It was a serial killer’s wet dream.

Bong. "Good morning, my dolls. I hope you had a good night’s rest. Today we introduce a lovely new variable to our little game."

The room was dead silent as we listened. The fear and anxiety was almost palpable. I did my best to calm my nerves, but easier said than done. Was this the end? Would he tell us to kill each other? The chaos that would erupt would be a bloodbath. I could imagine everyone snatching weapons off the walls and attacking their neighbor. Maybe he’d give a reward to whoever was left standing?

"You have shown a desire to go outside. Apparently, my home is not good enough for you. None of you can understand how upset that makes me, but if you want to go outside that badly, then you will go outside.

"Outside the secondary walls, there is prey. In the forest that surrounds this place there are people in need of punishment. As you all seem to want a better challenge, these people have been set loose in the wild. One of you will go out alone, hunt down, and punish these individuals for their crimes. One thing to remember is that, as they are not bound or tied, you too can become prey for them."

"Oh holy fuck," Liam whispered.

He was right to be scared. People were out there? The idea sent shivers down my spine. Something about it was existentially terrifying. Like learning the boogeyman under your bed was actually real, and he wanted to reach up and grab your foot.

Sam went on. "I’ve also decided to add a new twist to our days together. Dahlia?"

I flinched at the sound of my name. "Yes?" The word was barely audible. My throat constricted with fear.

"There is a table to your right. Please retrieve what is waiting there," Sam said.

Drake glanced at me, worry in his eyes as he moved out of my way. The table he was talking about was right where he said it would be, but was cloaked in shadows. I stepped over, and couldn't tell what was there until I stood above the item.

It was a card. About the size of a credit card. I recognized it almost at once. I’d gone through a bit of a spiritual and goth phase in high school. I’d been trying to find some meaning to life and had researched things like this. I stared at a Tarot card. The Death card to be specific. A skeleton draped in a black cloak, holding a massive scythe.

"Pick up the card please, Dahlia," Sam said. I couldn’t help but think there was a strange lilt to his voice. Almost like he was smiling while he spoke.

I took the card. It wasn’t paper or cardboard, but was thick plastic, sturdy and strong. Still confused, I held the card and returned to my original spot, showing the others what was on it as I did.

"This," Sam said, "is the Immunity card. Anyone who holds this card can grant themselves immunity from one of our little games. If you’d rather not participate in our tasks, all you need to do is lay this card down. Once it has been used, it is forfeit, and I will bestow it upon someone else at my discretion. Someone who has followed orders properly."

"Why?" The word blurted from my mouth before I’d even known I wanted to say it.

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