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Drake and I were seconds from rushing forward to slice, stab, and kill Payton when both our devices vibrated. Payton was too far away to hear the devices. Were there cameras out here? How did Sam know the best time to buzz us? I looked down to see the message:

Go back home. Payton shall be spared tonight. He did well enough to earn another chance.

Drake and I shared a confused glance before doing as we were told. Drake led me away from Payton at a perpendicular angle until we were far enough away he that wouldn't hear us as we ran. We returned to the house before he did. From the way he looked when he left that clearing, he probably stopped every few hundred yards to cry or vomit, making his trip take longer.

We rushed inside and up the stairs to put up our weapons before hurring downstairs to head back to our rooms. In my hurry, I almost ran into my room without saying goodbye to Drake. He grabbed my hand, pulling me back into his arms. He stared deeply into my eyes before kissing me.

"See you tomorrow," he said, voice low and dusky.

He left me then, moving quickly down the hall. A smile sat on my lips as I stepped into my own room and closed the door. The thoughts and sensations of the evening played across my head. My asshole ached and burned like hell, but that hot pain warmed me in a strange way. I fell asleep, and for the first time in a long time, I didn’t dream of death. I dreamed of Drake.

Chapter 18


Sleep was elusive. A lot had happened the last few days, and my mind spun like a top. Hundreds of ideas and plans warred within my mind, pushing the blessed darkness of dreams away. The land of dreams was the only place I found true peace. Dreams and when I watched Dahlia.

My thoughts, as they always did these days, turned to Dahlia. She was rebellious, and strong willed. I’d never had one like her. A creature that obviously loved the doorways I’d opened within her, but with a streak of hatred for me and my methods that made no sense. Even if she couldn’t see it, I could. The glint in her eyes when she punished those that needed it. The exultant tremble in her fingers when she sliced, gouged, and pierced flesh. No one could hide that type of pleasure. Yet, she remained driven to throw off what she viewed as chains. The headless corpse of Oliver was a testament to that.

Thinking of her, my cock stirred, throbbing under the sheets. I needed release. Needed to see her. Rolling from my cot, I padded naked to my computer console and pulled up the feeds from the forest. After a few seconds I found the right camera. Dahlia bent against a tree, a cock slamming in and out of her ass. My breathing became ragged and hungry as I leaned back, grasping my throbbing cock with my hand. My luck that the three had chosen one of the few spots with camera coverage.

With my free hand, I zoomed in, directly onto her face. She was angelic, a goddess of death. A valkyrie of agony. I gazed into her eyes while she bit into her fist, pleasure and pain written on her face, the dick stretching her tight. I stroked myself faster and faster. Quickly, I chose a different camera, one that showed Dahlia getting fucked as well as Payton butchering the woman’s head. The sight of blood along with seeing Dahlia getting fucked sent pleasure twitching spasms down to the root of my cock, shivers along my balls. I grunted, jerking myself harder.

The look in Dahlia’s eyes almost sent me over the edge. I gazed at her as she came, orgasming as she watched Payton destroy the woman in the glade. Before I realized it, my free hand shot out to rewind the tape. Again, she came. Rewind, play. Rewind, play. Rewind, play. I stared into her eyes as the cock and the agony in front of her made her come again and again. At last, a thick and heavy stream of cum burst from my own dick, shooting across the floor. I groaned and bucked my hips, stroking myself to completion.

Spent, I collapsed back on the chair, breathing heavy, but my eyes still locked on Dahlia. My god, she was amazing. There’d never been one like her. Other women, yes. Others who enjoyed what they did, but none had ever been this strange combination of submissive yet dominating, demure yet brazen, bloodthirsty yet placative. She was an enigma I had to understand.

Satiated, I turned the video off on my console and left my office, closing and locking the door behind me. Tiredness clawed at my eyes even before I lay down. My mind shut off, and I slipped into sleep in seconds. Dreams of Dahlia filled my mind. Grinding her pussy onto my cock. Skinning a woman alive. Gutting a man while she masterbated, her hand coated and slick with blood as she slammed her fingers into herself. A thousand glories. When I finally woke, it surprised me how rested and relaxed I was.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, staring at the floor, my mind drifted over what her plan might be. I’d watched her cover the air vents on my cameras. Not everything went down when the power shut off. Whatever she had planned, I would be watching. There was no fear, I knew that her captivity was and always would be assured, but after all this time, it excited me to see something new. I was sure she thought she would have time to get to, and then climb over, the fences. That wouldn’t happen. She was brilliant, but she could never know that they were on separate power systems.

I’d thought of most eventualities, though when she broke into the bunker and murdered Oliver in such a brutal way I’d been surprised. More than that, it had been shocking. Whatever her scheme was for the vents would bear watching closely.

As I dressed, my mind drifted, wondering what this day would hold. My stomach grumbled with hunger but that would wait a few minutes. Fully clothed, I stepped back into my office and pressed the button to summon the dolls to breakfast. The mechanical bong sounded through the house. Flipping through the various video feeds of the dolls in their rooms, I smiled as they all rolled from bed and dressed. Their movements quick, efficient, and obedient. They were learning, yes, but some were still lagging behind in their transition into a new plane of understanding. Of all of them only Dahlia showed the promise I sought.

I logged off the security system and shut the lights down in my office. Again, I stepped out into my bedroom. Ready to start the day and see how my dolls were going to do that day. Opening my door, I stepped into the hallway.

"Hey, Drake."

I turned, seeing Bri walking down the corridor. "Morning, Bri," I said.

Dahlia’s door stood open, and when I glanced in she’d already departed. Strange. I thought she’d have waited for me. As quickly as I could, I hurried down the hall, catching up with Bri.

"Did you see Dahlia?" I asked.

"Not yet," she said and pointed down the hall. "I think we’re the last ones to get up. Everyone else is—"

"No!" A scream from the dining room tore through the morning, cutting Bri off mid-sentence.

She and I stared at each other for a beat, shocked and surprised looks on our faces. Then, as though we’d agreed on it, both of us sprinted toward the noise.

"Let her go," Payton shouted as we drew near.

Fear, like an icepick, stabbed into my stomach. There was nothing planned for the morning breakfast. What was happening? Something had gone off plan. Or had my partner decided to go rogue again?

When Bri and I rounded the corner, what we saw made us stop in our tracks: Dahlia, arm wrapped around Elise’s throat, choking the woman.

"What are you doin?" Bri screamed.

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