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Payton was shaking his head. "No. I don’t want to. I can’t—agh." His words were cut off by a scream. He hit the ground, grimacing in pain as Sam shocked him. The warning was clear. You couldn’t say no.

"I’ll go first," Drake said, taking one of the darts from the plastic box.

The thing had a blue plastic fletching, the metal barb was at least an inch long, maybe even more. It looked small in Drake’s large hands, but still wicked looking. I tried not to imagine what that would feel like plunging into my skin, and had to suppress a shiver.

Bri had tears in her eyes as she stood twisting her hands together. "I don’t want to do this." Her voice was a harsh whisper.

Drake shook his head sadly and looked at the dart in his hands. "I know. It is what it is though. Uh, maybe cover your face? Then you don’t get one in your eyes."

Holding back a sob, she lifted trembling hands putting her palms on her eyes. As soon as she did it Drake threw. The dart flitted through the air, and landed, plunging the sharp metal tip deeply into Bri’s upper thigh.

She yanked her hands from her face and screamed. A red spot formed on her gray sweatpants. The blue fletching bounced as she moved. Bri reached for it, probably to rip it out, but before her fingers could wrap around it, another scream burst from her lips. Wrenching her hand back, she cradled her wrist to her chest. Of course Sam would want her to leave it in. Why wouldn’t he?

Elise went next. Her dart caught Bri in an almost glancing blow, taking her in the forearm, hanging for a moment then falling out. Elise’s eyes widened as it fell. She hadn’t missed on purpose, but her aim had been poor.

Payton glanced at his device, and his face fell. "I’m sorry, Elise. He says I have to punish you."

"Oh fuck," Elise muttered.

Payton grabbed a dart from the box, and held it in his fist, the barb pointing down. Nervous sweat was springing up on his forehead as he walked toward her. "I’m not the one doing this, okay? Sam is making me." He sounded almost like he was begging her to forgive him before he’d actually done anything.

Elise set her jaw and gave a curt nod. "Fucking do it already."

"He told me where to stab you too. The exact location. Remember that please. I don’t want you thinking I chose it on purpose," he said then quickly brought the dart down on her chest right on her breast.

I sucked in a breath and put my hands to my face as Elise released a guttural moan of pain and slowly descended to her knees on the ground. Her mouth was open, but she couldn’t catch her breath to scream.

Payton was backing away, a hand on his own mouth. "I’m sorry. I’m so sorry."

Elise reached up with shaking fingers and grabbed the dart. My own stomach did flip flops as I watched her yank the thing out. A flower of blood immediately blossomed on her chest right where her nipple would be. Her face had gone a pale milky white. I thought she might pass out, but instead, she stood and threw the same dart that had been buried in her chest a moment before. This time it landed below Bri’s ribs. It didn’t fall out this time.

Once we’d all gone, Bri was a bloody and blubbering mess. Sam messaged us, saying the game was over. A shuddering sigh of relief burst from her lips as she pulled a dart out of her side. Now that it was all over, my shame at being part of it welled up, and I hurried forward to help her pull the damned things out.

"Don’t fucking touch me," she snapped as I reached for the one in her thigh.

"I’m only trying to help," I said, taking a step back.

She ripped a dart out of her ribs. "Well, I don’t need fucking help, okay?"

"Hey, enough, all right?" Drake said, stepping between the two of us.

Bri shoved him back. "Oh, screw you, Drake. Stop protecting your little fucktoy here. Just because she lets you shove your dick up her ass doesn’t mean you need to protect her all the time.

"Yeah," Elise said. "Is that all it takes to get big bad Drake’s protection? What, do I need to deep throat your cock and then you’ll play boyfriend with me too?"

All of our devices buzzed, sending a warning shock to us, forcing the argument to stop. The string lights and music shut off, leaving us in silence. A message came through to all of us at once:

Enough. Tomorrow you will all repent for your actions. Go to bed.

"Fine," Bri muttered. "I’m done being around you assholes anyway." She ripped the last dart from her flesh and stomped away into the house.

The others drifted in behind her, Drake coming last right behind me. None of us were in the mood to talk, not even Drake. I headed straight for my room, but froze when I stepped inside. Sam had left a gift. A set of clothes on my bed. Upon closer inspection, it was a black robe, almost like something a nun or priest would wear.

Bong. "Put your new clothes on, and go to bed. As you go to sleep, think about the sins you’ve committed. Prepare to atone."

That sounded ominous, but I did as I was told. The heavy robe was thick and woolen. Warm enough that I had to lie on top of my blankets instead of under them to keep from sweating. What the hell was all this about? What was Sam planning? Whatever it was it would surely be something awful. Of that, I had no doubt. I didn’t want to think about my sins, but as my eyes closed, the replay of me chopping the head off that guy flashed across my mind. His head rolling across the floor, face turning toward me, eyes somehow still alive. Glaring. Accusing.

Chapter 15

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