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Alexa’s car was already in the driveway when she arrived. Victoria had suggested they have a quiet night in with movies and pizza. If this was going to go badly, she didn’t want that to happen in public.

Alexa got out of her car when Victoria did the same, and they embraced, their lips meeting in a short, chaste kiss.

“How was your day?” Victoria murmured against Alexa’s lips.

Alexa grimaced. “Let’s not talk about that.”

“That bad, huh? I’ve had a rather bad time myself. Come inside. It sounds like we’re both due for some relaxation.”

It was the strangest thing. Before she’d gotten out of the car, Victoria’s nerves had been poking gigantic holes in her stomach. The moment she had Alexa in her arms, though, everything went quiet. She was completely calm.

Of course this was the right decision. This wasAlexa.Alexa who practically lived with her already, by the amount of time she spent at Victoria’s place. Alexa who brought Victoria breakfast in bed on weekends and let Victoria rub her feet when she was sore from those ridiculous heels she insisted on wearing to work.

Victoria should probably wait for the right moment, but she was suddenly impatient. She and Alexa had barely waked through the front door when she took Alexa’s hand and spun her around so that they were facing each other.

“Move in with me.”


Alexa’s answer was so quick that Victoria did a double take. “Did you hear what I just said?”

Alexa’s answering smile was radiant. “You asked me to move in with you. Why do you suddenly look so anxious? Did you really doubt I’d say yes?”

“Maybe,” Victoria admitted.

Alexa laughed, a truly beautiful sound. “You silly, wonderful woman. Of course I want to move in with you. When can I start bringing boxes in?”

Now Victoria was laughing as well. All that worry for nothing. “As soon as possible. This weekend, if you’d like.”

There unfortunately wasn’t an option of either of them taking time off work right now, and they both knew it. However, it was Wednesday, which meant the weekend wasn’t far away.

“I’ll contact a moving company tomorrow.”

Victoria dug through her bag and produced the key. “You’ll need this.”

Alexa got out her bunch of keys and easily attached the new one along with the others.

“Well, that’s settled. How about we celebrate. I bought champagne, to celebrate.”

“What would you have done if I’d said no?”

“Then I’d have drowned my sorrows in the champagne.”

“Dual purpose. I like it. Though I must say, I prefer this use of it.”

The whole thing had been so simple and smooth, Victoria could hardly believe they already had it all settled. Of course, there would be logistical issues to sort out, but she was confident that she and Alexa could handle it.

As long as she had Alexa by her side, she felt like she could do anything.

Victoria knew that she was falling for Alexa—and falling hard. It should terrify her, but it didn’t, because she knew that Alexa was falling in love with her too.



Alexa pulled Victoria in for one last kiss, tasting the remnants of the syrup from their breakfast pancakes on her lips. She had to get into the office early and had made pancakes to try to make up for cutting their usual morning time short.

They still made time to go on two proper dates a week, but now that Alexa was finished moving in, they had each other in the mornings and evenings every day.
