Page 137 of Luna

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I shake my head, pushing my chair away from the desk, needing some air. "Then you misunderstood. He's teaching me about The Hamilton Group and some things about business and how to manage my stock portfolio. I never said he was teachingme to eventually work at the Hamilton Group. But with a 26% stake, he thinks I should know what's going on here."

"And he's the person to show you?"

"It seems like he knows what he's talking about to me."

He stops pacing to point at himself. "Not as much as me."

"Look, you obviously know more about Hamilton that Kingsley, no one is disputing that. But I just don't think that you're the right person to be helping me with this, Alex."

"Why not?"

Seriously? Is he trying to be deliberately obtuse? "You know why not."

"I think that it's clear I don't."

I sigh. "We don't work well together, Alex. Plain and simple"

Back to pacing. "That was a long time ago, Luna. Things are different now. He's not... watching over us."

"He was looking out for us, not watching over us. And probably for good reason. He knew us better than we knew ourselves."

Alex takes my hand. "But it stopped us ever really giving it a chance."

"We gave it the chance it deserved."

His eyes look up at mine, sad. "You think?"

"I think you do too."

He sighs, gestures around me. "So, what about The Hamilton Group? We could use you here."

"I don't know, Alex. Don't pressure me."

He picks up on the tone finally and visibly backs off, softening his own voice. "It's just that I think you would be good for Hamilton. It would thrive with you as a public figure. Everyone would love you. Fresh new female face. Ernest's pedigree."

"You don't think it'll damage it more than do good?"

"It'll be all about the way we spin it. In the long run, I can't see that it'll be anything but good. He built this place from nothingbut a dream and his blood and sweat and tears, Luna. Look, I was hurt when I learned that he didn't leave all the shares to me, but that's just because I guess I had always thought they were coming to me. But I think he knew what he was doing. We can be the future of this company together

I lean back in the chair, looking around the office, it's filled with reminders of Ernest, of Hamilton. This company is supposed to be such a big part of me, I knew almost nothing about it just a few weeks ago.

But I'll be lying if, through Kingsley's lessons, I don't feel like... a part of me belongs here.

Do I really want to give up my birthright because of my past? Could I actually make a difference to this company as well as to the world because of this gift that Ernest left me? Late but better than never at all?

"You have another choice, though," Alex says, interrupting my musings. "You could sell your shares, and walk away with the money and never look back."

"Who would I sell my shares to?"


"Alex. Is that what you want?"

He sighs and shrugs. "I wanted us to do this together, and I think that's what Ernest wanted, to be honest. And maybe this was his way of making it happen."

"Then he sucked at it," I giggled. "Alex. Ernest or not, we are too different."

"And you and Kingsley? You're more similar?"

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