Page 138 of Luna

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"I'm sorry?"

He clicks his tongue, looking impatient at my response. "Come on. It was clear weeks ago that something was happening with you two. And it's just as clear today."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Fine. If you don't want to admit to it, fine. I don't know if you guys are serious or just fucking or what but I'm telling you now. It's a mistake. You don't know him. You might think you do. But you don't. Nobody does. That's the thing about the Baxters, and especially Kingsley. They are only about themselves. And you'll never be one of them. And they will feed you to the dogs the first chance that they get."

I had considered telling him about Kingsley today, but my defensiveness has been activated to full gear. "I'm not going to talk about this with you, Alex. You wanted me to come here to talk about the Hamilton Group. So... let's just stick to that, okay?"

He shakes his head, forcing a laugh out of his nose. "Spoken just like a disciple of Kingsley Baxter. Don't like something, so just command that it be done your way."

I push off the chair, grabbing my bag. "You've known me since I was ten years old, Alex. Tell me, when have you ever known me not to do things my own way?"

He grimaces and grabs my wrist. "Stop. I'm sorry. You're right. I'm sorry. It just stings. I thought today was going to go a bit differently. I thought you'd be happy to come here. But you're right. I forgot just how stubborn you are all on your own. Little Loons, all grown up."

I lean against the desk, taking his hand. "Weshouldbe doing this together, Alex. Not the company. I don't know about that yet. But thegrievingpart. You shouldn't be doing that alone."

His smile grows sadder as he squeezes my hand. "I missed you. Maybe that's just what this is all about. I've needed you these last few weeks. And I know I hurt you, that day you found out about your inheritance, and for that I'm sorry. I missed my friend. I missed the one person I could really talk to about him. And how much I miss him."


His voice cracks as he goes on, "We had our first board meeting without him last week. My first board meeting as CEO. He wasn't there. And you weren't there either."

"He would've been so proud of you. Shares or not, you were always the future of this company, Alex. He was there. He was watching."

Alex sniffles looking up with wet eyes. "He would've told me I did a shit job."

I laugh. "Maybe. I don't really know what he was like in the boardroom. But I know what he was like when he taught me how to play checkers."

"You suck at checkers."

"Exactly! Getting yelled at while playing a game isn't really my side of fun. But hey, after that I got to yell at him trying to teach him how to play Candy Land, so maybe I really am his daughter."

He laughs, the lump in both of our throats catching. "You are. Never doubt that."

"And you were his son. And whatever happens with me and this company, he wants you here. Don'tyouever doubt that."

He nods and sighs, the tension from before finally broken.

"So, you going to tell me what's going on with you and His Holy Always On His High Horse Highness?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Who?" I ask, knowing exactly who he means.

He rolls his eyes, even as he wipes his sleeves across his face drying the tears.

"Fine. Just don't forget what I said. Be careful. And when you need help getting out of whatever trouble you're inevitably going to get into. You know where to come."

We spend the next hour talking about everything Ernest and nothing about The Hamilton Group.

Tears and laughter fill the office in equal measure, and when I finally step out of the building, a weight is lifted, and I feel like Alex and I are on good terms again.

He walks me downstairs, waiting for the Uber with me.

"There's a gala in two weeks. For The Cancer Union, I'd really like it if you went with me. Think about it. Okay?"

I nod. I can at least give him the benefit of thinking about it.

"Wow, making plans for something two weeks in advance, Luna. Maybe you are growing up."

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