Page 136 of Luna

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"Touché. All I wanted to say is you can tell him everything. I have nothing to hide. Okay?"

I give him a nod, not knowing whether what he said helped at all. "I'll call you when I'm done, maybe I can pick something up for lunch, okay?"

"Okay. Go. Before he calls the police."

I open the car door and Kingsley leans over. "Hey, Alexis. Looking good. New haircut?"

Alex frowns. "No."

"Oh, really? You look different. Suits you, not everyone could pull off that style." He ignores me glaring at him, and just gives me a big grin. "Anyway, I'll be here to pick Luna up when you're done."

"No, I'll get her wherever she needs to go," Alex insists, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, not on my watch. Bye Luna. Have a goodbusinessmeeting."

I slam the car door closed hoping to jar them both out of their dick swinging contest, and turn to Alex. "Hey. You didn't have to come out here and wait for me."

If he's feeling as awkward as I am, he's temporarily forgotten about it in his seething over the presence of my personal chauffeur who still hasn't driven off.

"It's okay, I know you haven't been here a lot. Although that should change soon, don't you think?"

He presses his hand gently in the small of my back, leading me towards the building, but a loud horn makes us jump and we turn back to face the road.

Kingsley has the windows down, leaning over the passenger seat, waving a scarf at me. "Hey! You better take this. You don't want to get cold."

Good god. "I'll be fine, Kingsley. I'll just borrow a jacket if I get cold."

I should've known better than to say that.

He jumps out of the car and jogs over to us, wrapping the scarf around my neck. "There you go. Just in case." He nods to Alex. "Alex. Have a good business meeting," he repeats, making me mentally facepalm. "See you at lunch, Luna." And he runs back to his car, immune to the fact that half of London trafficis honking at his highly illegal and annoying double park and finally drives off.

"What was that about?" Alex asks, his voice tight.

"He's just being silly. Ignore him."

"Right, that silly Kingsley Baxter. Whatever, let's go up. I want to show you the office I've set up for you."

An hour later, I'm sitting behind a desk the size of an entire football field. It's covered by every piece of technological equipment and office supply one could ask for. Alex points to an application on the computer, walking me through the Hamilton Group interface.

It's all jargon and menus to me. Not to mention all the passwords.

After I get lost for the fifth time, I hold my hands up.

"Alex! Just stop! This is too much information at once."

He huffs but lets up, leaning back in his chair. "I know it sounds like a lot but you'll get the hang of it.""

"It's just a lot way too soon."

"What do you mean too soon? Ernest has been gone almost a month. I thought you would've decided.."

"Decided what?"

He gets up and paces in front of the desk. "Decided what you were going to do. And that you were going to come work for The Hamilton Group."

"I don't know why you thought that. I told you I was very confused about my future."

He throws his hands up in that air. "Then what the hell have you been doing with Baxter all this time? I thought he was preparing you to come work here."

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