Page 59 of Hooks In

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I bring my eyes back to him and he smiles again. That cocky smile he saves just for me. The one that pushes every single one of my fucking buttons. My muscles tense as I stand before him, while he observes me.

“Yeah, you know,” he raises his chin towards me, “that tournament we’re both in next weekend? We should really be training for it.”

I stare back at him, wondering how he found out that I had also entered.

“Hm,” he nods, “yeah, I know you’re in it too. Thought you’d hide that from me? Nice move.” He crosses his arms and shrugs one shoulder. “Hey, maybe we’ll get to compete against each other again, for old times’ sake.”

I take a deep breath in and release it. “I need to get my head back in it.”

Luca nods seriously. “You need to get your head in something.”

A slight rush of exhilaration rises as he drops his eyes to my dick.

“But, for this head,” he looks up and pats my hair as I jerk away from him, “let’s get training then.” He nods curtly to me and turns to face the mats. “Train me up so I can kick your ass next weekend.”

I scoff. “You wish.”

“Hm,” he turns his head towards me, “nah. I wish for a lot of things, Ty, but that isn’t one of them. Because it’s happening.”

He walks to the mats, and I continue standing on the track, watching him. He’s still wearing the headband to keep his curls back, and his black shorts are covered in bright colored graffiti. He takes off his purple t-shirt to expose his mess of tattoos, and my eyes immediately drop to the moon on his ribs.

As I take in his wildness, I think about what he shared with me last night. In his own way, he is also seeking control. The Luca Mitchell I know is starting to make more sense. The lack of care about anything still drives me fucking crazy, but I can appreciate that he is doing what he needs to break free from what has held him back for so long.

I know that feeling all too well.

But the difference between us in how we obtain that control is obvious, as he laughs and jokes with Seb and Elijah, happiness radiating off of him.

Maybe I really can learn something from him.


I pull into the parking lot and kill the engine, leaning back in my seat to stare out at the gym. The grappling tournament is in three days, and I’m feeling pretty good about it. There are a few things I still feel like I need to tighten up, but overall, I’m happy with the progress I’ve made in my training.

But I’m not feeling so good about the cold shoulder my training partner has been giving me the last couple days. Every time I see Ty, it’s during peak training time in the gym so he’s laser focused, in full training mode. So, ok, not necessarily the cold shoulder but my tender little heart feels shunned since there’s been no time for fun. I miss the weekend. The weekend is when fun things happen, like dick sucking.

But it’s not the weekend, it’s Wednesday. We have just days left to work on all the things I want to work on so I can kick some grappling ass.

And if there just happens to be some extra time for fun… well… bonus.

I get out of my Jeep and it’s like my thoughts have summoned him, as he pulls into the parking spot across from me. As I watch Ty get out of his car, I take a moment to be honest with myself.

I want to explore whatever this is with him. He’s fucking hot, he can apparently suck dick really well, and he has a great dick himself. What more could I want? I mean, sure, maybe for him not to hate me, but baby steps… baby steps…

He sends a glare my way as I stand by my Jeep, watching him retrieve his bag from his back seat. And why that glare makes me feel things, I’ll never know.

But I feel even more things as I take in his grease-stained pants and hands. He obviously came straight from work, and my god. Grease-stained Ty just does something for me.

“Hey, Tiger,” I say as he closes his car door and starts walking towards the gym.

He glances my way again, and I give him my Ty-smile. I know I need to initiate whatever steps we make in whatever this is, and I’m fine with that. I’m a good step taker.

“What’s with the Tiger thing?” he asks, lowering his gaze again and continuing to walk towards the gym.

I shrug as I fall into step beside him. “You like it.”

“I never said I like it.”

“You didn’t have to.”

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