Page 124 of Hooks In

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We’re all silent for a moment as that sinks in.

If his injury is severe… there’s a possibility he could never fight again.I’ve seen blows like that, to the back of the head. Not many of those fighters return to the cage…

“He’s not going to want everyone here, is he?” Max asks me.

I shake my head. “No.”

“Ok.” Max turns to Seb and Adão. “You guys can ride back with me.”

Rosa wraps her arm around mine. “You going to be ok?”

“Yeah.” I smile down at her. “We’ll be fine.”

She smiles back at me and moves in for a hug. “See you at home.”

“He’ll be down soon,” Max says as Rosa lets go. “They’re just going over everything with him. They said he’s ok to sleep, so hopefully he’ll get a good rest tonight.”

“Sounds good, thanks,” I say with a smile, trying not to look as worried as I feel.

“We’ll see you Tuesday.” Max then glances around to everyone. “No one is to step foot in the gym tomorrow. Complete rest day.”

“Got it.” Seb nods, then pats my back. “See you, bro.”

“Tell Ty we’re thinking of him,” Noah says.

“Will do.”

Everyone leaves, and I sit back down in my chair to wait for Ty. And my thoughts take me back to yesterday, just like they have been all night.

A replay of Josh Hens pulling yet another illegal move runs through my mind, as I see his knee going right for Ty’s head. It felt like it was all happening in slow motion, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. And when I saw him fall to the floor, not moving as the ring doctor rushed into the cage, I was frozen. He didn’t even look like himself when he came to, and they took him away.

And that was the last I saw him.

Until he steps out of the room at the end of the hallway, black hoodie pulled up over his head, and eyes down.

I stand, my heart pounding, as he makes his way down the hall towards me.

He stops before me, and when he lifts his eyes to mine, a rush of emotion takes over. His dark eyes are empty and sad. The life that we had put in them over the past couple months is gone.

I step towards him and wrap my arms around his neck, holding him tight against me.

His arms slowly lift to wrap around my back, as he momentarily lets himself feel what he needs to, and takes comfort from me. He grips me tight and drops his forehead to my shoulder.

But only for a moment.

His arms fall and he steps back, his eyes cast down once again.

“Everyone just left,” I say quietly. “But they’re all thinking of you.”

He nods, glancing towards the exit.

“Let’s go.” I take his bag from him, and we walk out to my Jeep in silence.

Ty stays quiet and looks out the window with his head turned away from me as I drive. He looks exhausted, so I don’t push, and wait for him to talk if he wants to.

But eventually, he falls asleep.

And I drive, in complete silence, for the three remaining hours. No music, nothing. Just the sound of the road and my thoughts, as I desperately try to keep them from wandering into the what ifs.

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