Page 77 of Where Angels Hide

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Abby shook her head. “It doesn't make sense.”

“It doesn’t make sense to you, and it doesn’t have to. Just know, he’s always acted with your best interests in mind.”

Voices at the door prevented Abby from asking anything more. A second later, Scott walked into the room, looking like he’d seen a ghost.

“What’s happened, are you okay?” Abby slid off the bed to face Scott.

He glanced at the door, then scrubbed his hands over his face.

Abby walked across and shut the door. She reached for him, but as her fingers touched his arm, he jumped. Hurt flooded her heart.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered.

“Scott, what’s happened?” Rachel leaned forward.

“I think someone just tried to kill me.”

Abby clamped a hand over her mouth. Questions stormed her brain but refused to take verbal form.

“He started shooting at me, and Zep…”

“What about Zep?” asked Rachel, her eyes lighting with concern.

“He pulled over and just shot the guy dead.” Scott looked as if he was reliving the scene in his mind.

“Are you hurt?” Abby moved forward, scanning him for any sign of injury.

He shook his head, his hands covering his ears.

“Where’s Zep now?” There was fear in Rachel’s voice.

“He and Dodge…” Scott looked like he was going to throw up. “He said they would get rid of the body.”

“Oh my God,” Abby whispered. When would this end? “Come and sit.” She gestured to the chair by the hospital bed.

“I just want to go home.”

Abby wanted to hold him, to reassure him everything was going to be okay. But her fear of rejection kept her at a distance. Her heart and her head were at war. She didn't want to lose him, and now someone had tried to take him from her by force. She looked at Rachel, hoping for an answer. Her mother looked as anguished as Abby felt.

“I think you should wait here for Zep,” she said. “You're safe here for the moment.”

“What about Mum and Dad? They’re at the house.”

“With a police guard,” Abby interjected. “You can’t go back out there alone.”

Scott stared at nothing, his hands trembling. The weight of the day's events seemed to crush him. Abby couldn't bear to see him like this, so vulnerable and lost. She took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of courage she had within her.

"Scott," she said softly, catching his gaze. "I’m so sorry this is happening.”

He nodded, then looked away.

"If you want to go home, I'll go with you," she said.

“No, you should stay here.”

The swiftness of his response knocked the air from her lungs. He didn’t want her to go with him. Abby stepped back, as if the earth had shifted beneath her feet.

Abby spentthe night at the hospital, curled up in the visitor’s chair. Zep returned to his seat in the corner of the room, sharing very little of what had happened with Scott and the gunman.

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