Page 67 of Where Angels Hide

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“They played us.”Fucking pricks. “No one was at the house when the boys went in.”


“And they just blew up Rachel’s house.”

“Jesus,” said Connor. “Is she alright?”

“We got out before the explosion.” He’d explain it later.

“Good. Look, I gotta go. We’ll keep you posted.”

“Connor? Be careful.”

“You too.”

Zep scanned the area, hoping he’d catch sight of one of Isobel’s men. He’d rip the cunt limb from limb. If Isobel wanted bloody vengeance, Zep would give it to him. He’d rain a hellstorm of blood down on every last one of them, until there was nothing left.

Chapter 23

Scott jumped to his feet the moment Zep entered the waiting area.

“They’ve taken Rachel into emergency. Abby’s with her.”

Zep nodded, relieved she was getting help. “We got other problems. That explosion? Isobel took out Rachel’s place.”

Scott’s phone began to ring.

“That’ll be your mates at the cop shop.”

He silenced the ringer, his jaw set in grim determination.

“You need to get over there, find out what’s going on.” Maybe the cops could deal with at least one of his problems. “Lead them in the direction of Isobel.”

“Makes sense, after Kypianos coming after Abby.”

Zep smoothed his moustache down. Scott had proven loyal to Abby and Rachel and their safety above all else. But how much could he really trust him? He clenched the phone in his hand. He was running short on alternatives.

“Something else you should know. The property we’re set up in outside Broulee is under attack.”

Scott frowned. “Isobel?”

Zep nodded.

“Jesus, Page, what have you gotten us into?” His face coloured with anger.

“War.” But it was one he intended to win.

Scott swore as Zep received a text from Brodie.

We’re here. What’s our next move?

Zep typed back his response.

“The boys are outside–Dodge will give you a ride back to your place to get your car. He won’t be far away if Isobel or his men show up,” he said to Scott.

Currently, the cop was proving useful. Zep hoped, for Abby’s sake, he stayed useful. Scott headed for the exit, his contempt evident. Zep followed. He needed to speak with Brodie and Mick.

“Prez, what’s the plan? Are we heading back down the coast?” They’d already heard what was happening in Broulee. Brodie looked ready to kill the first person that crossed his path.

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