Page 66 of Where Angels Hide

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The burn of bile in the back of his throat warred with the deathly chill that consumed his core.

“Did you hear me? They blew up Rachel’s cottage.”


“Who’s hurt?” Brodie asked.

“What’s happening?” Scott interjected, taking his eyes from the road momentarily to glare at Zep.

He shook his head at Scott, and gestured at the road. They needed to get to the hospital in one piece.

“Prez?” Brodie shouted.


“You said you’re on the way to the hospital. Who’s hurt?”

He looked around at Rachel. Abby was trembling, holding her mother close.

“No one.” He sat back in his seat. “Rachel collapsed.”

The sirens sounded louder, but this time they were coming through the phone.

“You boys had better get out of there. Meet me at the hospital, but check the side streets on your way. I thought I saw someone just before the explosion, about a block from Rachel’s.”

“Right. I’ll call you when we get to the hospital.” Brodie hung up. Zep leaned back in his seat, gripping the gun. Everything had gone to hell.

“Page, what’s going on?”

Zep looked at Scott and shook his head. Abby didn’t need to hear her mother’s house had just been blown to bits.

The hospital rose up in front of them at last. The SUV stopped at the doors of the Emergency Department.

“Get Rachel inside, I’ll move the car,” said Zep, as he and Scott got out.

Zep raced into the entry of Emergency. “We need some help out here,” he shouted. The woman behind the triage desk stood and called to someone behind her.

He ran back to the SUV, grabbing the bags from the tray. Scott pulled Rachel from the back seat, Abby crawling out behind them. An orderly with a wheelchair appeared. Scott settled Rachel inside, then took the bags from Zep.

Zep didn’t stay to watch them wheel Rachel inside. He put the SUV into gear and headed for the parking lot. He found a spot in clear view of pedestrians and other drivers, knowing it would make it harder to tamper with the car. Harder, but not impossible.

He retrieved his gun from the floor of the passenger seat, securing it back in his waistband. As he locked the SUV, his phone rang again.

“Connor?” They’d barely spoken a word before he’d left Broulee for Lennox Head.

“We got a problem, Zep.”

Short, sharp refrains sounded in the background of the call. Gunshots?

“We’re under attack. It’s gotta be Isobel.”

“Fuck!” Fury flared in his veins.

“Sonny’s got it under control, but they’ve brought a lot of manpower with them.”

And Zep had just robbed them of another four men.

“What time did the boys go after Brian? It can’t be retribution, unless they were waiting nearby.”

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