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Ben was comfortably seated on his side of the booth, not moving an inch, with a knowing grin on his stupid face, forcing me and Lisa to stay crumpled together.

“Are you here to eat with us? We’re getting a lot of cupcakes,” Gabe explained.

“Well, I came here to pick something tasty to eat, and to bring to my father. He’s waiting for me at home. But I’m extra happy to meet you here today.”

The kids, Ben, and Lisa chatted as I stayed there, in all my awkward glory, not knowing how to react and trying to control my pants from getting too tight.

Whenever she leaned over the table to talk to the kids, I could smell her citrusy scent, and my resolve to keep my distance slipped a little bit more.

I couldn’t recollect one single reason we shouldn’t explore whatever was brewing between us. All I could think about was that morning, when we almost kissed, when my only regret wasn’t for craving a woman so much younger than me, but for not tasting her like I’d been wanting for a long time.

After a long while—I was almost positive April was taking longer than necessary on purpose—Lisa got her order to go and said goodbye.

I watched her walk away, longing and desire swirling inside my chest.

“You’re a free man,” Ben whispered, calling my attention without the kids listening. “There’s nothing wrong with having feelings for her. We can’t afford to have another stupid man in our group. Leave that title to me and take a chance like I almost didn’t.” I looked up at Izzie, who was watching us and just motioned her head in Lisa’s direction. I stared at Ben, still wordless. “We have Sofia. Just go.”

With a sense of purpose dominating me, I kissed Fee’s head. “I’ll be right back, Princess. Be good for Uncle Ben and Auntie Izzie.”

I stood out of the booth, almost knocking April down when I sprinted out of Beans. I stepped outside and looked around, searching for Lisa, and saw her going around the corner. I ran and got to her just before she jumped into her car.


She looked surprised at me. “Danny? Is everything okay?”

I panted, not from the running, but in anticipation. “I wanted to talk about this morning. know?”

Her cheeks turned the most enticing shade of pink. “Don’t need to worry about that. We were both emotional and got carried away. Let’s just forget about it. No regrets.”

Had I misunderstood our dynamics? That thought should’ve stopped me, but I was taking a leap of faith and going with my gut.

“I don’t want to forget about it. That’s why I’m here. I can’t...I can’t stop thinking about that. And maybe I should. I should leave you be. But I’m not remorseful for wanting you.” That was probably the most I’d ever talked to her without embarrassing myself. So much. “My regret is for not kissing you.”She took in a breath and licked her lips, hooking me closer. “I’m here to finish what we started.”

Not giving time for either of us to think, I framed her face in my hands and pulled her to me. My lips crashed over hers, and my heartbeat sped up when she curled her arms around my shoulders.

I was finally tasting her, and it was sweeter and better than I’d imagined. My idea was to savor her and take my time. But all I could do was claim Lisa. Taking advantage of her parted lips, I inserted my tongue, relishing in her warmth. Our tongues played, and I pulled her even closer to me, molding our bodies together.

I didn’t care that we were in public, in gossipy Holy Water, in the middle of the day. For the first time since I remembered, I felt at home.

We broke the kiss, gasping for air, and I couldn’t—nor did I want to—stop myself from nibbling the corner of her lips. I’d worry about hiding my boner later. All I wanted to do was savor the feeling of her against my body, still tasting her lips in my mouth.

“I think this is a good start.” My breathing was still ragged, yet I felt alive.

“Why now?”

I considered it for a while, and for the first time, it hit me. “I’m tired of denying myself what’s good for me. Andyouare good for me.”

She grinned slowly at me and pecked my lips. “I hope you’re ready to continue what we started.”

I could only hope as well.


I felt so out of shape in the dating world. Could I even call it dating? I had no idea what the lingo was anymore, and I couldn’t quite ask Lisa about it; otherwise, she’d realize—if she hadn’t already—we were from different generations.

I felt like I should be sayingdineandwoo. I couldn’t look too much into that, but it was exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to woo and dine Lisa. I wanted to go out on dates with her, watch movies together, cuddle. And sleep with her.

Which was hard to do when you had a recently turned-four-year-old girl way too attentive for her own good, a drug cartel breathing down your neck, and an ex-wife pestering you for her entertainment.

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