Page 51 of Camera Shy

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‘Soyou’ll let me through?’

Theticket agent actually laughed. ‘No.Youpeople watch too many movies.’

Gabrielthrew up his hands and swore.Whatwas he going to do?Hefought the temptation to grab the ends of the man’s moustache and tug.

Anotherticket agent—tall and lanky this time—joined the first one. ‘Isthere a problem here?’ he sing-songed with the distinct accent of somebody fromMarseille.

‘Yes!’ saidGabriel, hoping he might have a better chance with this one.Marseillaiswere known for being friendlier thanParisians. ‘Ineed to go through.There’sa girl?—‘

‘Ah, there’s always a girl,’ he agreed in his slow drawl and nodded atMoustacheMan, who also nodded.

‘—AndIneed to catch her before she gets on the train.’

Tohis colleague, the second ticket agent said, ‘Youknow,Ionce heard a story about a ticket officer who let a man through because he declared that he needed to proclaim his undying love to a passenger.’


‘Andit turned out that he was her stalker, not her boyfriend.Byall accounts, it got veeee-ry messy.’

Gabrielpasted on his best smile again. ‘DoIlook like a stalker?’

Theman flicked his eyes up and downGabriel’stall, muscular frame and shrugged. ‘Youcould be the reincarnation ofJosephVacherfor allIknow.Justin case, the answer is no.’


Hewhipped around to findJessstanding behind him.Thedark circles under her eyes cut him straight to the bone.She’dobviously had a bad night’s sleep, thanks to him.Shewore her ‘Parisje t’aime’ sweatshirt, which reminded him of their trip in the helicopter.Fora moment, he froze, unsure what to say.

‘Oh, she’s very pretty,’ said agent number one.

‘Yes,Iagree.Verypretty,’ agreed number two.

Obliviousto the commentary of theFrenchticket agents,Jessparked her bag next to her and crossed her arms. ‘Whatare you doing here?’

Themoustachioed ticket man said inPoirot-styleEnglish, ‘Izhe a stalker, madam?Shouldwe call ze police?’

Herbrow drew down in confusion. ‘Um, no.That’sokay.’

Gabrielshook his head to clear his shock at finding her.Hehad a lot to say and not a lot of time to say it. ‘Jess,I’msorry about last night.Iknow—it’s not an excuse, butIgot overwhelmed.’

‘It’sokay,Gabriel.Iunderstand.Youdon’t owe me an explanation.’Sheshrugged one shoulder. ‘Itwas just a fling, right?’

‘Don’tsay that.Youknow that’s not true.’

‘Isn’tit?That’swhat you said toJohnsonlast night.’

Hewinced and cursed himself. ‘Iwas in a bad place.I’msorry.Ididn’t mean it.’

Sheraised her gaze to his, and he saw the bright sheen of unshed tears.Hehated that he did this to her.Hefelt like the world’s biggest asshole. ‘Listen,Gabriel,I’mgrateful for everything you’ve done for me.Truly.You’veopened my eyes—in many ways.’Sheblushed. ‘Andyou really helped me through some difficult days.Butyou andIboth knew what this was: two people, who needed each other for a short time.Let’sjust leave it at that.’

Hecouldn’t believe she was saying this.Hehad been sure that she felt the same sense of…ofrightnessbetween them.Whathappened toIthinkI’mfalling in love with you?Hehad royally fucked things up. ‘Idon’t want you to go.’

Sheswallowed and closed her eyes like she was gathering strength for what she had to say next.Hisstomach sank. ‘Maybewe could have had something, but neither one of us is ready.Ijust broke up withKrishand you…you have work to do.Isaw that last night.’

Withan exasperated sigh, he said, ‘SeeingJohnsonis always going to bring up bad memories?—’

‘Badmemories?Gabriel, you ignored me and made me feel likeIdidn’t mean anything to you.’

‘Iknow, andI’msorry.Icouldn’t control it…’

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