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‘I think we better had. Nothing can be taken for granted.’ Flora smiled then led the way through to the lounge and Leif followed her, his red cape fluttering behind like he was some kind of festive superhero. He wondered if Flora saw him that way…

Chapter 20


‘So do you think this will work?’ Leif asked.

Flora frowned at him, her hands on her hips. They were in Victor’s back garden four days after she’d given him the Santa outfit. Leif was dressed up in his Santa outfit along with his black boots and he had skis strapped to his feet. In his hands he held reins that were attached to a harness that Magnus was wearing.

‘I’m not sure to be honest and I’m no engineer so it might not. But it could.’ She shrugged. It could work yes, but was more likely to work if there was more snow on the ground. ‘What do you think, Victor?’

Next to her, Victor was wrapped up in his warmest coat, a hat on his head and his hands tucked under his armpits. ‘I’m not sure. I think that the problem you’re going to have is balancing with that sack on your back.’

Flora walked around Leif and nodded. The sack of gifts that they’d tied to his back was bulky and all it would take would be for Magnus to round a corner a bit quickly and it could all go very wrong.

‘OK, well I’ll get the skis off and we can have another think.’ Leif was about to bend down to reach the straps holding the skisto his boots when Magnus gave a loud bark. ‘Magnus! No!’ Leif’s voice was filled with fear and Flora watched helpless as Magnus shot forwards, taking Leif with him. The grass was wet from the small amount of snow that had fallen and the skis shot over it as Magnus chased after a blur of grey fur, dragging Leif around the side of the house and off to the front garden.

Flora turned to Victor and she saw the shock in his eyes. ‘Did you see that?’ he asked.

‘Yes. Leif was on one leg.’

They hurried around to the front garden but Leif and Magnus were already whizzing along the street, the skis creating sparks where they met the tarmac between the patches of frost that were forming. They could still hear Leif shouting at Magnus, but the dog seemed oblivious and was intent on chasing whatever had caught his attention.

‘You stay here, Victor and I’ll go after them. See if I can stop Magnus.’

Victor frowned at her. ‘Flora, that dog is enormous and I doubt you’ll be able to stop him if Leif can’t. No offence, my dear, but Magnus could knock you over and not even notice.’

‘I might be small but I’m quite strong, Victor,’ she said. ‘Anyway, we’re wasting time. You go inside in the warm and I’ll see what I can do.’

‘Yes, Ma’am.’ Victor gave a small salute and went inside while Flora jogged over to the village green. She stared in the direction that Leif and Magnus had gone and was about to run after them but she heard the scrape of metal against tarmac and then Leif was coming towards her, swaying from one foot to the other as Magnus ran. The dog’s long tongue was lolling, his face a picture of joy as he pulled Leif behind him.

Not knowing what else to do, Flora threw herself in front of them and closed her eyes. She had to stop them or the skis couldwear through and Leif would burn his feet or at the very least ruin his leather boots.

‘Flora move!’ She opened her eyes to see Leif waving a hand furiously while he held the reins with the other, but she was frozen to the spot and then it was too late.

Flora screeched.

Leif shouted.

And there was a loud bang.

Flora realised she had closed her eyes again so she opened them slowly, afraid to look.

‘It’s OK. I’m OK.’ Leif said from off to her right. He was lying on the grass, his feet to one side as if he’d swerved like an Olympic skier and come to a sudden stop at the end of the course. Magnus was standing at his side panting and looking like he’d had the best time.

‘Leif!’ She ran to him and knelt on the grass, placed her hands on his shoulders. ‘Are you OK? You’re not hurt?’

‘I’m not hurt. Well, my ego might be a tiny bit bruised but apart from that, I’m fine.’ His smile reassured her and so she leant forwards and kissed him.

‘Hey, hey!’ he laughed. ‘I’m really OK.’

‘I was so worried,’ she said, her vision blurring.

‘Hold on.’ Leif wriggled around so he was sitting upright. ‘I’m fine. I was a bit scared there for a while but it was also kind of funny.’

‘Funny?’ her voice wavered.

‘Well, yes. Magnus saw a squirrel in Victor’s garden but it ran up a tree on the green and then he spotted a cat. That black and white one that hangs around the village.Willy!That’s his name. And Magnus likes cats but for some reason he decided to chase Willy and off we went. Thankfully, I managed to slow down by doing a snow plough with the skis and then I felt backwards onto the sack.’ He frowned. ‘I hope I haven’t damaged anything.’

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