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Page 24 of Secret Santa on Sunflower Street

‘The sack was filled with mainly soft toys and blankets so you should be OK.’ Flora wiped at her eyes then smiled. ‘Oh, Leif, that was awful but the type of thing that would go down well on one of those ‘caught on video camera’ shows. Talking of which…’ She looked around but amazingly, luckily, there was no one around.

‘It’s dinner time on a cold, December day,’ Leif said. ‘Most people will be inside in the warm eating something tasty.’

‘Thank goodness. Whatever would we have said by way of explanation?’

‘That I was auditioning for a movie?’ He grinned. ‘Better get these skis off though. My ankles are going to ache tomorrow. It’s been a while since I skied and when I did I had proper ski boots on and good skis whereas these are too small for me and not suitable for pavements.’

‘Of course they’re not.’ Flora laughed. ‘Here, let me help you.’

She undid the straps on the skis then helped Leif to stand. He tested his ankles and nodded. ‘It’s all good.’

‘And Magnus?’

Leif was still holding the reins attached to Magnus’s harness and they both gave the dog a stroke and he wagged his tail. ‘He’s fine,’ Leif said. ‘He thought that was a marvellous adventure.’

‘It looks like he did.’

‘Oh!’ Leif held up a hand. ‘I forgot something.’

‘You did?’ She looked into his sapphire blue eyes.

‘I did.’ He slipped a hand behind her head and pulled her close then kissed her. His lips were soft and warm, his hand behind her head felt strong and supportive and he smelt incredible, of cold air, his spicy cologne and of him. Flora was sure he was the best thing she’d ever smelt, and she wanted to keep breathing him in. So when he gently released her, she gazed up at him.

‘What was that for?’

‘Coming to my rescue,’ he said. ‘Giving me the kiss of life.’

‘The kiss of life?’ She giggled.

‘Well… kind of… because you warmed me right up.’

Suddenly feeling shy, Flora worried at her bottom lip. ‘Did I?’

‘Oh yes you did, beautiful Flora.’

Leif looked around them. ‘We’d better get going before someone sees us.’

‘Yes, come on.’ She picked up the skis and Leif hoisted the sack onto his shoulders and they went back to Victor’s with Magnus trotting between them like he did this every day of the week without blinking an eye.

In Victor’s garden, Leif said, ‘I think we might need to try something else.’

‘How about the sledge that we saw in the garage? You could put the sack in the front of it and would have more control of Magnus as it’s heavier and would hopefully make him go slower and you’d be able to balance better if you weren’t being dragged backwards by a heavy sack.’

‘Good point.’ Leif bobbed his head. ‘We’ll try that.’

‘Ah, you’re back,’ Victor said. ‘I’ve made hot chocolates if you want them.’

Leif held out a hand. ‘After you.’

‘Thank you.’ Flora went inside with Leif right behind her, and she couldn’t help thinking that if they did get together properly at some point, they’d have some funny stories to tell their grandchildren.

Chapter 21


‘This place is really something,’ Leif said as he looked around. They were queuing to go into the ballroom where the after-dinner dancing was to be held.

‘I know, right?’ At his side, Flora was stunning in a green velvet gown that hugged her curves then fell into a full skirt. She was wearing green satin heels and had an emerald clip in her hair holding a small braid in place. ‘Our company expects employees to work hard, and this is the Christmas reward.’

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