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Turning around with her lightweight baggage, Yana walked back to where she’d dropped the tote. She found her cell phone and turned on the flashlight, although there was no signal to call Nasir this far out. The sky was a dark canopy of stars she’d rarely seen and she stopped several times to show Zara this star and that constellation.

Her arms and legs hurt from all the day’s exercise but soon, Yana could see the shadowed outline of the castle. She blew out a long breath, imagining herself in a hot bath with Nasir in it, too, hopefully, once they’d settled Zara into bed. It was a ritual she hadn’t planned on getting involved in and yet, had been roped into when Zara had begged that they both read her a story and tuck her in for the night. As if even the little girl could sense the current of happiness between the adults who adored her.

Now, with her departure rushing at her with every day that passed, the ritual and so many more like that had gained weight and gravitas. Yana didn’t want to leave. There, she’d admitted it to herself. For the first time in her life, she was happy and content and...she felt like she belonged here. Like the castle walls themselves were imbued with her very joy.

“Where the hell have you been?” Nasir’s question tugged her into the present with a firm jerk.

Taken aback by his tone, Yana stared at him.

“Do you know how worried I’ve been? It’s dark and you weren’t at your usual spot.”

“I didn’t notice the time and then Zara—”

“You should know better than to venture out so far and for so long after sunset,” he said, plucking Zara from her arms into his. “That was careless of you, Yana.”

Yana froze, struck by the criticism in his voice. But whatever defense she wanted to provide was drowned out when the entire staff came toward the high entrance from all directions surrounding the courtyard, clear relief on their faces. And then she was being tugged inside, by Amina of all people, who checked her arms and legs and worried over her dirty T-shirt and shorts, and all through it Yana kept looking at him, but Nasir wouldn’t meet her eyes.

Suddenly, Yana felt as if she’d been permanently pushed into a cold, dark place, shunned from all light. All her doubts about how she’d leave when the time came turned into something else.

Finally, they were all in the full foyer illuminated by one of those blasted chandeliers with a million little lights and her gaze fell on the small cut on Zara’s cheek just as everyone else’s did.

“You’re hurt, Zara,” Nasir’s voice cut through the commotion around them, like a knife slicing through. And Yana heard it then—his fear. Saw the tension carved into his face. The sweat that had gathered over his brow.

“I didn’t listen to Yana Auntie, Papa,” Zara said, scrunching her face up. “She told me not to go too fast but I thought I saw a dragonfly and then I fell over.” Her thick curls dancing around her face, she drew in a long breath. “It doesn’t hurt, Papa,” Zara piped up, looking for Yana among the crowd that surrounded her. “Yana Auntie alweady cleaned it and put a gel on it. She said I get a medal because I only cwied for thwee and a half minutes. She said I was so bwave when she cleaned it that I could eat chocolate cake in the morning. Can I have chocolate cake for bweakfast, Papa?”

The tension dissipated from Nasir’s face and he pressed a kiss to Zara’s temple. “Yes, pumpkin. You can have anything you want for breakfast.”

“Will you and Yana Auntie wead me two stories each tonight, Papa? Since I fell and hurt myself?”

Nasir laughed and hugged his daughter tight. “Manipulative little thing, aren’t you?” When Zara frowned and pushed out that lower lip she deployed like a weapon, he hurriedly added, “Yes, two stories each, Zuzu baby. After that you have to sleep, yeah? And then...” He looked up over Zara’s head and met Yana’s eyes. “I have a very important thing to do.”

“What, Papa?”

“Eating crow, baby,” he said with a sudden, heart-wrenching smile aimed straight at her heart. Zara pounded him with more questions and he went on to elaborate that her papa was a blockhead who forgot his manners when he was upset. And he had been upset, he told Zara and an arrested Yana, at the thought that his two bestest, most favorite girls in the world might have been lost and hurt in the forest in the dark.

Yana’s heart swelled in her chest, overflowing with emotion. And she knew, just knew, that she was going to leave pieces of herself behind when she left.

They ended up spending more than two hours not only reading to Zara but also watching some anime with her. Even though, for the first time in his life, Nasir wanted his little energy bunny to fall asleep fast.

In the end, he left Zara and Yana cuddling in Zara’s bed, both of them suddenly fast asleep together.

He went back to his own bedroom, made some quick arrangements in the bathroom, changed into pajamas and waited. He couldn’t blame her if she didn’t join him tonight, could he? He’d been so eager to criticize and blame her for a small hurt Zara had received.

He pushed a hand through his hair and tugged at it roughly. Of course, five-year-olds got hurt all the time. Why hadn’t he controlled himself better? And now here he was, once again, wondering if he’d hurt her.

He’d worn down the carpet when the connecting door finally opened and Yana came in, locking it behind her.

They stared at each other—her expression wary as she watched him, and he...he didn’t know what he looked like. Only that he wanted to make more than simple amends. Reaching for her, he took her hand in his and tugged her into the bathroom.

Her eyes widened as she saw the full bath he’d filled with her favorite lavender oil and scattered with rose petals, and the lit candles and the bottle of wine with a glass, waiting on the rim. “Nasir—”

Forestalling her argument or a justly deserved complaint, he said quietly but firmly, “Raise your arms.”

He was more than surprised when she complied. Tugging her T-shirt off, he gathered her hair and gently tied it into a knot at the top of her head, like he’d seen her do. Then he stripped her of her bra and shorts and panties.

Eyes wide in her face like a gazelle, she stood there, utterly naked.

“Into the tub,” he said gruffly, before his desire overtook his common sense.

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