Page 58 of Hot as F*ck Bundle

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“You sure?”

I nodded. “Positive.”

“Already called Ryder,” he said. “Cholo and a bunch of the fellas were at his place. They’re on their way now. You stay here with her.”

Navarro released me and turned to face Pee Bee. “I’m going. I’m gonna kill every motherfucking one of ‘em. Real god damned slow.”

Pee Bee shook his head. “Somebody’s got to stay with her.”

“This is my fight, god damn it. Mine,” Navarro seethed. “And I’m gonna fight it.”

“You want him to stay?” Pee Bee asked. “Here with you?”

I nodded. “Uh huh.”

“You don’t want him to leave?”

I wrapped my arms around Navarro and pulled him into me. “I’d rather he stay, please.”

Pee Bee folded his massive arms on front of his chest and sighed. “I’m the Sergeant-At-Arms of this club. It’s my job to protect what’s ours, at any cost. Like it or not, she testified for you, and this is the price she’s paid for it. The club owes her. The club needs to protect her. I’m goin’ for these motherfuckers, and I ain’t stoppin’ till I got ‘em.” He turned around until his back faced us. “Either let me get ‘em, or cut off my fuckin’ patch.”

Oh, wow.

“You know good and god damned well I’m not cuttin’ off your patch,” Navarro growled.

“It’s settled, then. You’re stayin’, and I’m goin’.”

Navarro leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder. His warm breath on my neck made me smile. His strong arms provided assurance that I was safe from harm as long as he was near.

“I want ‘em to pay.”

Pee Bee nodded. “They will.”

“Be careful,” I said. “Panda’s got a gun.”

He laughed a dry laugh. “Me? Shit. Make me up one of those cranberry drinks. A double. I’ll be over to drink it before the fuckin’ ice melts.”

I lifted my head. “Promise?”

A thunderous rumble rattled the windows of the bar. The sound continued for some time, almost resembling a passing train. I peered outside. Side-by-side, motorcycles pulled into the lot, one row after another. A string of headlights as far as I could see filled the road leading to the bar. It seemed it was never going to end.

In no time, the lot was filled with bikes.

Completely filled.

And, it wasn’t just FFMC’s men.

Pee Bee bent down, looked through the window, then stood up. “We’re gonna roll, Boss.”

Navarro cleared his throat. “Who else you call?”

“Hell On Earth and The Dragons. We’re rolling about fifty deep, Boss.”

“God damn you,” Navarro said with a laugh. “We didn’t need to--”

“You want my job?” Pee Bee interrupted. “Start wearin’ my patch. Until you do, you be the President. I’ll be the Sergeant-At-Arms.”

The door opened and twenty or so men came in, all wearing leather vests. Two massive men came to our side and stood, each crossing their arms in front of their chests as they positioned themselves beside us.

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