Page 52 of Hot as F*ck Bundle

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“No. No.” I shook my head and forced a laugh. “Not even close. I was just wanting to look at some things. Unrelated. Kind of.”

“What about Satan’s Savages? Heard anything?”

“Not a word,” I said. “Interesting bunch, though. The Fuckers, that is. It’ll be a great piece.”

“We won’t be able to give the piece away if there isn’t any action. MC’s are a dime a dozen if they’re riding up and down the PCH swilling beers and getting in fist fights.”

“You’ll be pleased. I promise.”

He fixed his eyes on me and rubbed his chin between his thumb and forefinger. After a moment, he relaxed in his seat. “Alright. Go get your recorder. Dig deep, Peyton. I know you’ve got it in you.”

I inhaled a deep breath and prepared to stand.

“Before you go, what about Navarro? He’s a mean son-of-a-bitch from what they say. Have you had a chance to spend some time with him?”

I sighed. “Uhhm, yeah. I mean, the spending time with. Not as much as I need to, though.”

“Is he as hot-tempered as they say?”

I stood up and shrugged. “I sure haven’t seen it. Not yet.”

He picked a pencil up from his desk and wagged it at me. “Dig deep. That’s my advice. The deeper, the better.”

“Will do, Sir.” I said with a nod. “It’ll go deep. I mean I’ll go deep.”

“Keep me posted,” he said.

During the lull in conversation, I made my way to the door. “Will do.”

No response.

I walked out the door, stepped into the hallway, and as soon as I was out of sight, took off running.

A case I was working on two years’ prior shared almost all of the characteristics of Navarro’s case. Whether or not Navarro was involved with either case was irrelevant, I simply wanted to know if the charges against him were according to state statutes, and if they could re-charge him at a later date.

I picked up the laptop, shot the receptionist a scowl, and ran to my Jeep.

One more stop, and then I could see if Navarro was out of jail yet.

* * *

I pulled into the parking lot of the bar, which was empty. From what Navarro said, the bar was a biker hangout, and his club had claimed it as their own. Although other people may frequent the bar, there was no worry of another MC stepping into FFMC’s turf, which made the bar safe – at least for me.

I shouldered my laptop and walked inside. Pete stood behind the bar staring at the wall-mounted television in the distance.

He turned toward me and nodded his greeting. I nodded in return. After scanning the bar for patrons and finding none, I walked to the bar. Pete’s focus shifted from the T.V. to me. He resembled Navarro, but was smaller in stature, and missing the tattoos.

“I was in the other day with Crip.” I motioned toward the area where the incident went down with Panda and Whip. “I think I might have left something--”

He raised his hand. “Looking for this?”

“Yes. Oh my God, that’s great.”

I slapped my hand against the carrying case for my laptop. “Mind if I sit over there and look for something on this?”

“Take all the time you need.”

“Do you have wi-fi?”

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