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“Wow, Pais, were you planning on opening your own Victoria's Secret?” I laughed, holding up several items, my eyes wide.

She smacked my chest, laughing. “Stop it! They were gifts. Mostly.”

I raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. “Mostly?”

She bit her lip, her face the picture of innocence. “Well, a girl's got to treat herself sometimes, right?”

I couldn’t help but grin. “So, which ones were for my benefit?”

She gave a sly smile, plucking a deep red piece from the collection in my hands. “This one, for starters.”

I took a deep breath, my mind running wild. “Remind me to thank whoever gifted you the rest.”

She laughed, her eyes dancing with amusement. “You’re incorrigible.”

“Only for you,” I shot back, winking.

We continued packing, our earlier tension replaced by playful teasing and flirtatious exchanges. It was moments like these that made me fall even harder for her, if that was even possible. The way we could effortlessly shift from serious conversations to light-hearted banter was one of the many things I cherished about our relationship.

Eventually, our suitcases were packed, filled with clothes, memories, and the promise of new beginnings. We were ready to face the past, ready to embrace our future together.

As I zipped up the last bag, I looked over at Paisley, her face glowing in the soft afternoon light filtering through the window. She was stunning, her beauty radiating from within.

“Hey,” I murmured, pulling her close.

“Hey,” she whispered back, her eyes searching mine.

“No matter what happens in New York, remember this – I love you. And we’ll get through anything, together.”

She nodded, her eyes misty. “I know. And I love you too, Austin. More than you’ll ever know.”

“I’ve never been on a private jet before,” Paisley whispered as we made our way across the tarmac, her eyes widened in a mix of anticipation and awe.

I grinned, drawing her close. “Well, get ready for a treat, darling.”

She gave me an incredulous look. “This isn’t some sort of over-the-top display to impress me, is it?”

“Maybe,” I teased, “But mostly it’s for convenience. And privacy.” I winked, my thoughts already ahead of the flight.

As we boarded, her excitement was palpable. The luxurious leather seats, the spacious interior, the subtle ambiance – it all had her looking around like a kid in a candy store. “This is insane,” she breathed out, taking in the opulence.

“Come here,” I murmured, guiding her to a plush seating area. I poured us both a glass of champagne, the bubbles sparkling in the dim cabin light.

“To new beginnings,” I toasted, clinking my glass with hers.

She smiled, taking a sip. “And to making memories.”

There was a charged silence between us. The intimacy of the space, combined with the thrill of our impending journey, made my heart race. Her eyes, deep and searching, beckoned me closer.

“I’ve wanted to do this since we boarded,” I confessed, leaning in and capturing her lips with mine. She responded eagerly, her mouth opening to meet my exploring tongue. The taste of champagne mingled with her natural sweetness, making me drunk on desire.

As we deepened the kiss, I felt her fingers tangle in my hair, pulling me closer. My hands roamed her back, feeling the warmth of her skin through the fabric of her shirt. Every touch, every caress, sent shivers down my spine.

We pulled apart, gasping for breath. “Mm, Paisley,” I murmured, resting my forehead against hers. “You do things to me.”

She chuckled breathlessly, her cheeks flushed with desire. “Same here. This was supposed to be a simple flight to New York.”

I grinned, tracing circles on her lower back. “Well, I did promise you a treat.”

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