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She smiled, her blue eyes sparkling. "Thank you for making it feel like home."

"Anything for you," I replied, kissing her deeply. The warmth of her mouth against mine, her soft sighs, the way she responded—it was intoxicating.

But reality came knocking again. Our kisses grew slower, and as we pulled apart, she bit her lip. "Austin, we need to talk about Benjamin."

I sighed, knowing this was a conversation we couldn't avoid. "Yeah, I've been thinking about it too. The last thing we need is complications while planning our wedding."

She sat up, the sheets pooling around her waist. "I can't believe the officiant signed the certificate even though I left him at the altar. What was he thinking?"

I ran a hand through my hair, frustration evident. "Honestly, Pais, I think he was just following protocol. Maybe he didn't realize you'd fled."

She frowned. "So, what's our next move? I mean, technically, I'm still married to him."

I took a deep breath, weighing our options. "We'll get a lawyer. File for an annulment. Given the circumstances, I doubt Benjamin will contest it."

She chewed on her lower lip, her face clouded with worry. "I just hope it doesn't turn into a big scandal. The last thing we need is the media's attention."

I reached out, cupping her face. "Hey, we'll handle it. Together, remember? Besides, we've got each other's backs, and that's all that matters."

Paisley nodded, looking a bit more reassured. "You're right. Let's face this head-on."

I leaned in, capturing her lips again, pouring all my love and assurance into the kiss. "Now, how about some breakfast to fuel our day?"

She laughed, her mood visibly lightening. "Only if you promise to make those pancakes I love."

"Deal," I grinned, scooping her up in my arms as I headed towards the kitchen.

Throughout breakfast, we discussed our next steps and how to navigate the tricky situation with Benjamin. It wasn't easy, and the tension was palpable, but we faced it head-on, drawing strength from one another.

“Shoot, we’ll have to head to New York, won’t we?” I muttered, the realization settling in as I looked at Paisley.

She gave a wry smile, running a hand through her tousled hair. “Looks like it. We need to get this annulment sorted ASAP. Besides, I left some of my stuff there and… I need closure.”

I understood her sentiment. New York held many memories for her, and confronting them would be crucial in moving forward. “Alright then, New York it is.” I nodded firmly.

We moved to the bedroom, suitcases lying open on the bed. Paisley began going through her wardrobe, deciding what to take. Our initial determination soon dissolved into playful banter.

“Hey, are you sure you want to take this one?” I teased, pulling out a particularly flashy sequined dress. “I mean, it's almost blinding.”

She laughed, swatting my hand away. “You just wait till you see me in it. You won’t be able to take your eyes off me.”

A smile played on my lips as I imagined her in that dress. “Oh, I bet. But just remember who gets to take it off.”

Her cheeks flushed, and she gave me that mischievous grin that I loved so much. “Keep dreaming.”

Our playful teasing continued as we packed, with each of us trying to outdo the other with our flirty comments. At one point, I stumbled upon her lingerie drawer, mischief shining in my eyes.

“Well, what have we here?” I drawled, holding up a delicate lace number, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

She blushed a deep crimson, trying to snatch it away. “Austin! Put that back.”

“Why? Planning on giving someone a show?” I teased, dangling it just out of her reach.

She jumped, trying to grab it. “Only one person, and he better behave,” she warned, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

I chuckled, pulling her close, the delicate fabric sandwiched between us. “Promises, promises,” I murmured, capturing her lips with mine.

But the moment was short-lived as my hand delved deeper into the drawer, pulling out more of her intimate garments. Each one more daring than the last.

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