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The dim light of Osteria del Sole flickered, casting long shadows across the wooden countertops, making the bottles behind the bar gleam. I found solace in the rustic charm of the establishment, its brick walls adorned with vintage advertisements and paintings. The hum of conversations created an ambient sound that soothed my rattled nerves.

Taking a sip of my whiskey, the burn was a welcome distraction from the mental turmoil Paisley had unknowingly set off. Her mysterious ex-fiancé had turned up, and it was gnawing at me. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw them together in her living room, the way he looked at her, the evident history between them. It messed with my head, even more so since she had not spoken about him.

And so, lost in thought, my gaze started wandering around the bar. Between a couple engrossed in conversation and a group celebrating a birthday, my eyes landed on him. There he was, Benjamin, sipping a drink at the far end of the bar, staring into its depths as if it held the answers to all of life's questions.

My grip tightened around the glass. The bastard looked suave in his crisp white shirt and tailored trousers, the very embodiment of a successful city man. And that’s what pissed me off. He had what I assumed was a successful life in the big apple and had thrown Paisley into this whirlwind of emotions when she was just finding her footing.

Fuck it.

Downing the rest of my whiskey in one go, I decided to approach him. But not right away. I'd let the anticipation simmer a bit.

First, I flagged down the bartender, ordering another drink, but my eyes never left Benjamin. I watched as a waiter handed him a menu, and he scanned it briefly before placing an order. His body language was that of a man deep in thought. Was he contemplating his encounter with Paisley? Was he plotting another move to win her back?

Feeling my own anxiety rising, I took a deep breath and allowed the atmosphere of the bar to calm me. The soft glow of the hanging lanterns, the gentle hum of the patrons, the clink of glasses and the occasional laughter all blended into a symphony of the night.

After a few minutes that felt like hours, I finally stood up, adjusting my shirt and making my way towards him. Each step was calculated, the soles of my shoes echoing slightly on the wooden floor. I felt a weird mix of anger, jealousy, and yes, even curiosity.

"Benjamin, right?" I began, standing next to him.

He looked up, slightly startled, before nodding. "That's me. And you are?"

"Austin," I replied, extending my hand in a half-hearted greeting. "Paisley's...friend."

His eyebrows shot up at the emphasis on 'friend', and I could see a glint of recognition in his eyes. "Ah, the infamous Austin," he responded, a smirk playing on his lips. "Heard a lot about you."

"Infamous, am I? Well, that's interesting," I drawled, feeling the air between us grow heavy with tension. "So, what brings you to Valle di Sole?"

He sighed, taking a sip of his drink before replying. "Paisley, obviously. We have some unfinished business."

My jaw clenched involuntarily. "She seems to be doing just fine without you. Ever thought maybe she's moved on?"

Benjamin's eyes locked onto mine, a challenge evident in their depths. "You seem pretty confident about that. What makes you so sure?"

I leaned closer, our faces inches apart, the intensity of our mutual jealousy palpable. "Because every time I touch her, kiss her, she responds. She's mine now."

A sardonic laugh escaped Benjamin's lips. "You think you've won her over just because you've bedded her? Oh, Austin, you're more naive than I thought."

The weight of our collective egos threatened to crush the atmosphere. My fingers itched to punch him, to wipe that smug look off his face. But I held back, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Listen," I whispered, my voice dripping with venom, "I don't know what you're trying to pull, but it won't work. She's not your property. And neither am I going to let you waltz back into her life and mess with her emotions."

Benjamin just smirked, taking another sip of his drink. "We'll see about that."

The expression Benjamin wore had my blood boiling, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of losing my cool. "You're looking pretty cocky for a guy who got dumped," I snapped, my patience fraying.

His eyes darkened momentarily, and I could tell I hit a nerve. "Dumped is a strong word. We just needed a...break."

"A break?" I scoffed. "From what? Luxury? Skyline views? Or maybe the honest love of a woman who realized she deserved more?"

He sneered, "You think you know everything, don't you? Let me enlighten you. Paisley is a dreamer, and sometimes dreams change. But there's a reality she's running from, and she'll come back to it."

I chuckled, the sound dripping with condescension. "She ran alright, straight into my arms. And let me tell you, friend, she's not looking back."

"You think a couple of heated nights with you changes everything?" he retorted, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're just a fling, a temporary escape."

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