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“Oh, you must be Colton’s new assistant,” he cut me off and stood up cheerfully. “We’ve been waiting on you. Nice to meet you. I’m Adam.”

“Hi, Adam. Nice to meet you. I’m Ella.”

“Great. Let me take you through. Colton said that as soon as you arrived, I was to show you to his office.”

“Oh, awesome,” I say, nodding. I’m surprised that Colton had told people in the office about me, seeing as how unconventional the job was.

I follow Adam down a small hallway and then he stops and knocks on the door.

“Come in,” I hear Colton’s voice barking.

Adam opens the door and steps in.

“Hey, Colton. Your new assistant, Ella, is here.”

I step in behind him and stare at Colton. He’s sitting behind one of the largest cherry oak desks I’ve ever seen in my life. There are stacks of files on one side. He nods. “Thank you, Adam.”

“Ella, you may have a seat,” he says to me, and I walk over to the chair.

“Adam,” he says as Adam leaves.

“Yes, sir?”

“Close the door behind you.”

“Yes, sir.”

Adam closes the door and I feel like I’ve somehow entered a jail cell. I take a seat in the leather chair and look into Colton’s laughing blue eyes.

“Good morning,” I say after a couple of minutes of silence.

“What time do you think this is?” he says, looking at his watch. His eyes narrow as he looks me up and down. “And are you wearing the same clothes I saw you in last night?”

I press my lips together. “What are you talking about?”

“Yesterday, when we FaceTimed, you were wearing those clothes. You didn’t change?”

He leans back and I can see that he’s thinking hard.

“I didn’t change because I didn’t go home,” I say softly.

He leans forward, his hands together. “So you hooked up then.”

“That’s not what I’m saying.”

“I’m saying that you hooked up with your kid’s dad.”

“Well, number one, she’s not my kid. If she was my kid, I wouldn’t be babysitting. And her father Danny had to work. In fact, you got me into a lot of trouble yesterday.”

“I did?” he looks baffled. “How is that?”

“When you told me to take my panties off,” I whisper. And he starts chuckling like that’s a fun memory in his mind. Which it most probably was. I would bet $5 that he had a fantasy of me stripping my panties off for him.

“And what happened to thosewetpanties?” He’s enjoying this far too much for my liking.

“Let’s just say Danny found them. He thought I left them for him on purpose.”

He shakes his head and starts laughing. “I expect that you’re not going to work for him any longer?”

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