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“What’s that you’re drinking?” he asks, nodding over at my glass.

“It’s a lemon drop martini,” I say. “Sweet and sour, a little bit like me.”

“Ooh. Is that a warning?”

“No. Do you not like being sweet and sour?”

“I think I like to change it up every now and again, so I do think I could deal with that,” he says. “I like you, Ella. You’re fun.”

“Thank you. I think you seem kind of cool right now, too, even though you’re only the second guy I’ve met tonight.”

“Well, I hope you check my name off,” he says, “because I will certainly be checking yours off.”

“Well, thank you, Russell.”

“You’re welcome.” The bell rings, and he stands up and bows his head. “Hopefully, I’ll get to see you again later.”

“I hope so, too,” I say, looking at him happily. Maybe, just maybe, he will be a good guy. I don’t know what to think, but I am open to it. Colton’s face pops into my head, and I frown. I do not want to think about Colton Hart at all. As far as I am concerned, the other night never happened.


The next couple of dates go as I expect them to go. Most of the guys are insufferable and full of themselves. I take a sip of my drink and lean back. I look over and see how it’s going for everyone else. Isabel is giggling at something the guy in front of her is saying, and I wonder if she finds him funny or if she’s just drunk.

“Well, I don’t believe it,” a voice says, and I look back in front of me. My eyes widen as I see Danny sitting there.

“Hey,” I say in surprise.

“Hey, you,” he says, sitting back, running his fingers through his hair. “I can’t believe that you’re at a speed-dating event.”

“Yeah, it was Isabel’s idea,” I say. “I didn’t know you were going to be here, either. Who’s looking after Frannie?”

“Oh, she’s at a friend’s house for the evening,” he says, leaning forward. He looks me up and down and then bites down on his lower lip. His eyes are wide with mirth. “This is a little bit awkward, isn’t it?” he says. “I don’t know if I should flirt. It’s a bit inappropriate to flirt with my babysitter.”

“I guess we can just chat,” I say, shrugging. Danny is cute, but he’s not my type. And while I love Frannie, I’m not looking to be a stepmom anytime soon. Plus, he’s right. A babysitter and a dad should not cross that line. I mean, it happens all the time, but I don’t know that it’s professional.

“So, Ella,” he says, licking his lips, “have you ever partaken in sixty-nine?”

“Excuse me?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. My heart is racing now, and I’m not quite sure if I heard him correctly, though I don’t know what else he could’ve said if that wasn’t it.

“I was just asking if you’d ever taken the sixty-nine subway or bus,” he says, winking at me and laughing.

“I didn’t know there was a sixty-nine subway or bus.”

“Oh, I think that must’ve been in London, then,” he says. “Maybe it was one that took me into the West End.”

“I wouldn’t know,” I say, shaking my head.

“Have you ever had a devil’s threesome?” he asks. And this time, I know I haven’t heard him incorrectly.

“Sorry, what?” My jaw drops. “What did you say?”

“Oh, I’m just joking,” he says. “I was just trying to test you to see how you would react if some of these other guys asked you some of these crazy questions.”

“Oh, okay. Good test, I guess.” I’m not really sure what to say. “So, how’s business going?” I ask him, wanting to change the subject.

“As well as can be, considering,” he says. “Frannie really wants a mom, you know?” He lowers his voice. “She really wants someone to love her and show her all the girly things that I can’t.”

“She deserves it,” I say, nodding my head. “She is the sweetest girl.” And while that’s not technically true, I’m not going to add that she really needs a lot more discipline in her life and that he spoils her too much. That is not my place.

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