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“Isabel. Really?”

“What? Now that I know that he’s packing, I understand why he’s got you all flustered and confused.”

“He does not have me flustered and confused.” I glare at her.

“He is a jackass. We both know it, but you still slept with him, and you are now his assistant. Like, assistant of what?”

“Like I said, that’s what I need to find out as well.”

“Okay.” She shrugs. “But maybe tonight you can meet a real man that will make you forget Colton and make you want to…” She pauses as Jimena claps her hands.

“Okay, ladies, everyone go and take a table,” she says and points toward the tables. I walk toward one at the back, pull out the stool and sit down. Isabel sits at the table next to me. A bell rings, and a tall man comes and stands next to the table, then takes a seat.

“Hi,” he says, his voice deep. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too,” I say as he sits down. He’s very attractive, though he looks slightly older.

“What’s your name?” he asks.

“I’m Ella.”

“Oh, cute. Hi, Ella.”

“And your name?” I prod him.

“Oh, sorry, I forgot to say, it’s George.”

“Oh, cool. Like George Clooney? Very nice,” I say, nodding. He isn’t as handsome as George Clooney, but he is still not bad. I smile to myself. If all the men are this attractive, then maybe this isn’t going to be such a bad evening after all.

“So I’m going to be really honest with you, Emma.”

“It’s Ella.”

“Yeah, Emma. I’m going to be honest with you,” he says, leaning forward to take a sip of his beer.

“Okay, cool, and that honesty entails?”

“I’m just getting out of a relationship. I was married for fifteen years.”

“Fifteen years.” I blink. So, how old is this man?

“Yeah, and we have three kids, and obviously, they’re still going to come first in my life, but”—he pauses—“I’m always available for midnight screwing.”

“You’re what?” I say, blinking. Did I hear him right?

“I said I’m always available for midnight screwing.”

“Screwing?” I repeat.

“Yeah, or what do you say these days? Fucking?”

I take a long gulp of my lemon drop. Okay, so maybe this isn’t going to go as well as I hoped. “I’m not really looking for that,” I say, shaking my head. “Sorry.”

“Oh, well, what were you looking for? Maybe we can find a place to meet in the middle,” he says, grinning as he chugs more of his beer.

“Honestly, I’m looking for a man to come with me to Florida in a couple of weeks to meet my parents and my high school friends, and hopefully, he’ll propose to me in front of them with a huge diamond ring.” I beam at him. “You think that’s something you’d be interested in doing?” His eyes widen, and I burst out laughing.

“That’s a joke, right?” he says. “You’re a comedian or something.”

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