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“So I don’t go home with anyone crazy.” I stare at her like she’s stupid. “How can you forget?”

“But you knew who he was before you went home with him, right?”

I glare at her. “Yes, I knew, but that was after I had already made out with him, bumping and grinding on the dance floor.”

“Well, hey, maybe it was a good thing you had on a mask. At least you got some.”

“I got some with a man who fired me after one hour. Who is now making me work for him and do crazy chores in the middle of the night just because he has the power to do so.”

“Yeah, but he’s also paying you thirty grand.”

“Speaking of which,” I say, “I haven’t received any money yet. Hold on, let me text him.” I grab his number in my phone and send him a quick text. “Hey, just wondering when I’m going to get paid.” I press send and then look over at Isabel. “Okay, come on, let’s go.” The club is dark as we make our way inside, and I can barely see what is going on. “Oh my gosh. Is it going to be a bunch of uggos?” I ask, looking at Isabel.

“Why’d you ask that?” she asks, grabbing my hand.

“Because we can’t see anything.”

“Oh, it’s just mood lighting, and hey, it helps us, too. We’re going to look like a billion dollars in this light.”

“So what are you saying? We normally look like ten cents?”

“No.” She grins. “We don’t normally look like ten cents, but let’s be real. We don’t look like a billion dollars. Maybe more like a million.”

“Nice save,” I say, laughing as we head toward the bar.

“Shall we get a drink first?” she asks. “Then we’ll look for the organizer.”

“Sounds good.” We wait for the bartender to serve us, and then we get two lemon drop martinis. I take a couple of sips and feel myself relaxing. There’s just something about alcohol and sugar that takes me to my happy place.

“Oh, look, there are the tables.” Isabel points to the corner, and we head over there. I can see a gaggle of women standing to one side, and across from them are about eight men. I try not to look them up and down too closely. I don’t want them to think I’m too eager or checking them out. I feel a sense of worry as I stand there, and I’m not sure why. “This is going to be so exciting,” Isabel says.

“Yeah, I guess.” My phone beeps, and I look down at it. It’s Colton. “Oh, he says that he will pay me tomorrow if I want to come over.”

“Oh, girl, he just wants you to get into his bed. Do you even know what your chores are going to be?”

“What do you mean, my chores? Do you mean my work duties?”

“Oh yeah, sorry, I used the wrong term.”

“Really, Isabel?”

“What? I mean, it did seem like you were going to act more like a housekeeper than an admin person.” I just stare at her. I don’t want to get into an argument, and I don’t want to think about the last time I worked for Colton. That was so embarrassing, and I still don’t really understand why I got fired.

“Hey, everyone.” A lady with long, red hair steps toward the group. “Can everyone step forward for me? My name is Jimena. Nice to meet you all. I’m sure you’re really excited about our speed-dating event tonight. Here’s how it’s going to work. Ladies, you’re going to take a seat at one of the tables, and you’re going to be able to speak to each guy for about four minutes. When we ring the bell, gentlemen, you’re going to get up and switch tables. Ladies and gentlemen, you’ll both make a note on the paper that we provide and state whether or not you would like to see that person again. At the end of the night, we will match up who would like to see whom again, and then you can go on a second date and possibly, maybe, find the love of your life.” She laughs. “And if you do, I hope to be invited to the wedding.”

“You’ll definitely be invited to mine,” a cute blonde purrs from next to us. She’s definitely here to find herself a man to marry as soon as possible. All of us women laugh. I look over at the men and can see they feel nervous.

“Why is it that guys come to these things, yet they never seem like they want to get married?” I whisper to Isabel.

“Because they think they’re going to get some easy sex,” she says and rolls her eyes.

“I just don’t get guys. Like, why come to an event hoping to have a one-night stand, but you know the women are looking for commitment?” I sigh. “Well, hey, at least Colton’s not here.”

“Well, you never know,” she says, and I look at the guys quickly, my heart racing. She giggles. “He’s not here. Don’t worry, Ella.”

“You nearly scared me. If he was here, I was going to leave. You know that, right?”

“I know, but,” she says, winking at me, “most probably, you’d be leaving just so you could go back to his place.”

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