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As did Chace and Holly.

“Can we go now?” This time, Wren posed the question.

“And what car are we taking?” Emme added.

Chace looked at Holly. “I’m parked behind you, so my truck?”

“Sure. We just have to get their booster seats out of mine.”

“Think you girls can handle that while I talk to your Aunt Holly for a minute?”

The twins responded with a race to the front door as Holly’s stomach took a nosedive to her toes. What didn’t Chace want the girls to hear? Had he spoken with Lyss since breakfast? Was there news about Sean? And if so, was it good or bad?

Once the girls were clearly out of earshot, Chace turned toward Holly. “I talked to Lyss.”

Her heart dropped.

“Not much has changed. Sean still hasn’t been transported, mostly because of the ruptured spleen and lacerated liver he sustained in the explosion. From what she’s been told, the repairs have been made, so hopefully, he’ll stabilize overnight and be transferred to Germany tomorrow.”

Swallowing hard, Holly nodded. “Are those his only injuries?”

“Fractured tibia, concussion, a few cracked ribs, general cuts and bruises.” He tilted his head from side to side. “At least that’s what she’s been told.”

“How did she sound?”


Holly rubbed her knuckles over the center of her chest, her heart aching for her oldest and dearest friend.

“I offered to fly there to be with her so she wasn’t alone, but she insisted I stay here.”

“You could go anyway.” Leaving to be with his sister wasn’t the same as leaving on a mission to bring aid to another country, snuff out a bad guy, or provide security for complete strangers.

Chace shook his head. “She assured me she’d be fine once Sean was in Germany where she could see and assess his injuries herself.”

“What if he’s worse than they’ve led Lyss to believe?”

“We’ll reassess the situation and decide what to do then.”

“I can handle things here, you know.” Granted, it wouldn’t be a cakewalk with the holidays bearing down on them, but Holly was confident she could make it work.

“I know you can, babe.” The second the endearment fell from his lips, Chace lifted his hands in the air, palm out. “Sorry. Force of habit.”

Even after eight years? Holly couldn’t help but wonder. She didn’t ask the question, though. What was the point? He’d already recognized his slip of the tongue and apologized. No use needlessly belaboring the issue. “Well, if it comes down to Lyss needing you there, please don’t hesitate to go.”

His eyes locked on hers. “I won’t.”

“Good.” Holly nodded. “So, did the two of you schedule a time to call?”

“Yeah.” Chace pocketed his phone and wallet. “Tonight around eight.”

“Are you guys coming?” one of the twins, most likely Emme, hollered from the porch.

“Guess that’s our cue,” Holly said as she adjusted the shoulder strap of her purse and turned toward the door. Both girls stood in the small foyer with their arms folded across their chests.

“Patience doesn’t seem to be one of their virtues,” Chace murmured so only she could hear.

Rattled by his nearness, Holly sucked in a deep breath, exhaling slowly and hoping her heart didn’t pound right through her sternum. “You’ve got that right,” she managed to eke out despite the shiver shooting through her entire body from the low rumble of his sexy voice so close to her ear.

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