Page 57 of Grim's Hell

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“Damn, bro.” Frenzy’s lips pucker, and I know he’s whistling. “What’d he do?”

I take a deep breath. “He beat my mother to death.”

Thorn jumps up from his chair. “Wait a second. Are you telling us that you married some chick because she reminded you of your mother?”

Before I have a chance to launch myself at him, Abyss grabs my arm.

“Sorry,” Thorn says. “Meant no disrespect.”

“Her name is Violet,” I remind him. “Or my ol’ lady will work too.”

“I don’t know about anyone else,” Rogue signs. “But I’m not as upset about the whole wedding thing as I am about the fact that this is the first time we’re hearing about Grim killing his dad. I mean, now the quickie ceremony makes sense. But secrets?” He shakes his head. “Those never make sense here.” He glares at me. “I’m your cousin, dude. You really felt you couldn’t tell me?”

“We all have pasts,” Soul says. Malice signs for my benefit so that Soul can focus on everyone else. “There isn’t a person in this room who doesn’t have a closet full of skeletons. How each man chooses to reveal those skeletons is up to him, as long as it doesn’t affect the club.”

Animal shoots to his feet. “This does affect the club. Because of Grim’s secret, we have a new resident.”

“Look, I’m not going to debate this with you,” Soul counters. “I’m not thrilled about Grim getting married, but he’s the one who has to live with the consequences of that.”

Soul’s defense of me is surprising considering his initial reaction. But then again, he’s one of my best friends, and he always has my back.Always.And maybe, just maybe, now that he recognizes my motives, he’s going to be more forgiving.

“What we need to figure out now is how we’re going to handle the shitstorm that will no doubt come our way in search of Grim’s ol’ lady.”

My ol’ lady. Fuck, that sounds good.

Brother after brother rises to their feet, and the arguing resumes. I’m about to pound the table to shut them all up when the emergency light flashes red.

“Jesus, what now?” Soul throws his hands in the air.

The button to turn on that red light is not to be pressed unless it’s a true emergency. And there’s only one person who violates that rule, Soul’s wrath be damned:Jez.

I start toward the door, but a hand falls on my shoulder, jerking me to a stop. I look behind me to see Malice shaking his head.

“There’s protocol for a reason.”

I stomp back to the table and reach underneath to snatch the only weapon permitted in the sanctuary. Wrapping my fingers around the gun, I carry it to the door and stand to the side before nodding at Soul.

When the door slides open, Jez steps inside as if she doesn’t have a care in the world. She glances around the room, and when her gaze lands on Soul, she rolls her eyes.

“Seriously, dude. Use the damn cameras.”

“Seriously,Mary,stop interrupting church!”

She lifts the laptop she’s holding. “I’ll stop interrupting when shit stops being important.” Jez stalks to the table and sets her laptop down. “Now, you’ve gotta see this.”



“I’m telling you,that man is hornier now than he was before Harper was born.”

Heather and Apple erupt into giggles while Cece goes on to explain her latest sexual encounter with Soul.

“I had spit up on my shirt, my hair was in knots, and I was wearing sweatpants and one of his shirts. He ripped the pants right off me, thanked me for not wearing a bra, and dove right in.”

I squirm on the bed and keep my face neutral. It’s uncomfortable hearing them talk so openly about sex, but at the same time, it’s mind-boggling. Some of the positions they describe are impossible for me to imagine, and I can’t help but wonder if they’re even possible. Sex wasn’t a topic freely discussed in my house growing up. In fact, it wasn’t mentioned at all except when I was told my husband would teach me everything I’d need to know.

And Grim is my husband.

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