Page 58 of Grim's Hell

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“That’s nothing,” Apple begins. “Try being away from your man for weeks at a time. When you do finally get home, he keeps you locked up for hours trying to make up for lost time.” She fans her face. “I swear my pussy needs a vacation by the time he’s done with me.”

“Oh stop.” Heather puts her finger in her mouth like she’s gagging. “First, I don’t want to hear about you both humping like rabbits, and second, you know you love it, so quit bitching.”

“Yes, yes I do,” Apple agrees. “The things Malice can do with his tongue...”

Cece shoves her fingers in her ears. “La, la, la, la, la.”

Apple sticks her tongue out, and Cece flips her off, causing another round of giggles.

“Grow up you two,” Heather admonishes. “I love it when Frenzy pushes me up against the wall and we don’t even have time to rip our clothes off. Right. Up. Against. The. Wall.”

“Oh yeah.”

“You know that’s right.”

Apple and Cece speak simultaneously.

The three of them go back and forth a few more minutes, retelling sexcapades, as Heather calls them. Then Cece’s gaze narrows on me. I lower my eyes, and my cheeks burn as if I just got caught watching a dirty movie. As I concentrate on the pattern of the blanket on the bed, sweat builds on the back of my neck. Cece clears her throat to get my attention.

I slowly raise my head. “Yes?”

“So, are you going to spill?”

“Spill what?” I ask, confused.

“Your guts.”

I swallow… hard. “My guts?”

“Yeah, about how Grim is in bed?” Apple clarifies.

“Oh, um…” Now my back is drenched. I don’t know what to say. My whole body is on fire, and my skin reddens, giving away my embarrassment.

Traitor! Now they’re gonna know.

Cece opens her mouth, but Heather speaks before she can.

“Wait a minute. Violet, have you and Grim slept together yet?”

“Well, he’s been sleeping in that chair.” I gesture to the one Apple is currently occupying. “And I sleep right here.”

“Oh, not so fast missy.” Cece leans forward in her chair and levels me with a look. “Have you two had sex yet?”

The scrutiny of all three of them is what I imagine a bug feels like under a microscope. They’re watching every move I make. Maybe if I answer their questions, we can move past all this sex talk. But it’s embarrassing to admit you’re twenty-three years old and a virgin. Not only does it usually send guys screaming for the hills, but when women find out, they become cruel and judgmental. It can be as bad as admitting you’ve slept with a dozen men.

“It’s okay, Violet,” Apple assures me. “You're with friends, and we’re not going to judge. I’m sure we all had sex with our husbands before we got married.”

Heather snorts. “That’s how Frenzy convinced me to marry him. Fucked me into saying yes.”

Apple chuckles.

“So how is he?” Cece inquires.

“I-I-I didn’t,” I stammer. “W-w-we haven’t.”

“Hold up.” Cece shares a look with Apple. “You haven’t had sex before, or you haven’t with Grim?”

I bury my face in my hands, and the bed dips from the weight. Apple pries my hands apart and wipes away the tear that escaped.

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