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I haven't had a sip of blood since. Rune tries to get me to drink from him, but I just can’t… His scent is so intoxicating and stirs fear deep in my chest each time I even consider it. I’ve been okay so far though. It’s the longest I’ve gone without blood and I can feel the ramifications, but it’s manageable.

Feeling tired, grumpy, and weak is better than giving into Violet’s bullshit. Though feeling hungover all day sucks.

I push away from my window and look over my shoulder at Rune. He’s been leaning against the wall all morning, just watching me. His red eyes flicker as our gazes meet, but his expression remains unmoving.

I give him a small smile anyway—I’ve come to enjoy his presence.

He answers by closing his eyes and resting. I’m still trying to figure him out completely, but I’ve pieced together that ignoring me is a good sign. And we haven’t had another episode of him intruding in my room in the dark hours of the morning.

Thank gods.

It’s been a long, boring week though. My torture sessions with Violet were all canceled like Kol said they would be. I thought he was pulling my leg at first, but she hasn’t called for me once all week so it must be true. I know something’s going on to keep her away from her favorite pastime, aka bleeding me dry, and it has to be big for her to completely change her ritual like this. It must be herguestthat she spoke of.

I reach into my dresser and pull out leggings and a tight, black long-sleeved shirt, tossing them on the bed as I throw open my closet doors to grab my white cloak. Today I want to visit the Hollows. The very thought pulls a smile at the corner of my lips.

They were never released. Violet and Arulius have their reasons for keeping them here, and again… I’m nowhere close to finding answers. Maybe it’s to keep the Rhythm even further ruined, or because she just wants to be a bitch.

It’s difficult when you’re isolated and have no allies. I've thought of ways to break out all the Hollows but there are so many of them… I’d have to blow a hole into the side of the atrium. Gods know I can’t manage that, at least not yet.

The thought makes all my males flash through my mind. My chest clenches at the memories of them and the short amount of time I was able to be with my gods. We forged unforgettable connections during our time together.

My broken organ twitches inside my chest, letting me know that it’s still not completely ruined.

I grab the white cloak and throw it on the bed as I send a silent thanks to Naminé for giving it to me. It’s beautiful, with imperial white fabric and tufts of cream fur lining the hood. The brooch is a ruby that matches my new guard. I let my hand linger over the gem as I gaze into the swirling red hues that dance in the light.

Rune raises his head to watch me and I notice. I flatten my mouth at him. He usually takes the hint that I’m getting dressed and looks away. Don’t tell me he fancies me now. I narrow my eyes but he still stares at me.

“I’m going to go see the Pine Hollows today. I can’t be cooped up any longer this week,” I mumble as I lift my sweater up over my head, switching it out for the black long-sleeve. His eyes explore my torso with desire and heat flares through my veins at the fire in his gaze, settling low in my abdomen and between my thighs.

His dark hair and crimson eyes send thrills through me. He’s rugged and easily the most mysterious male I’ve ever met. Not only because he can’t talk. He’s so guarded in everything he does… I can never tell what’s going through his mind.

Brave asshole, but I’m not some sad girl looking for love anymore. I’m a broken fool who will use anything for my gain, never to let my wicked wounded heart out of its cage ever again.

I lock eyes with him and part my lips as I slowly slip the black shirt over my head and pull it down, letting my fingers linger by my stomach as my thumbs hook into my pants.

His gaze is heavy, waiting for me to make my next move. Is he daring me? What the fuck is this—actually, I don’t care, I’m quite enjoying it.

I pull my silk pants down, and once they’re at my knees I let them drop to the floor. His nostrils flare but his expression remains stone. Fuck, he’s the god of control, I swear.

Okay, I’ll try something else.

Keeping my gaze on him, I set a knee on the bed and lean forward enough for him to get a full view of my backside, only wearing a black thong, as I reach exaggeratedly across the sheets for my leggings.

His eyes flick to my near-bare pussy and his cheeks redden. He quickly looks away with his brows furrowed.

Lightweight.I smirk to myself as I snatch the leggings.

Rune’s not as hardcore as I thought, but at least I have a feel for him now. The more I know about him the better. Being manipulative isn’t something I ever thought I’d be, but then again I also never thought I’d been some goddess reborn just to be traumatized and eternally fucked.

So, there’s that.

I finish getting dressed and am not surprised when Rune follows me as I leave my room. He’s been at my side constantly. I’ve thought about daring a trip to the library, but I’m still not sure how he’d react.

I miss Naminé and the occasional Willow. I don’t really mind not seeing the Eostrix anymore, but I really miss my Cypress guard and wonder how her date with Greysil went. I should have asked her when I saw her last in the foyer.

As we walk down the corridors and enter the streets of Nesbrim, I halt at the foot of snow that covers the cobblestone roads.

“Shit, I didn’t think there was this much already,” I mumble, looking down at my worn boots. They aren’t made for winter. Prisoners don’t get the luxury of clothes for every season, that's for sure.

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