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I glance up at Rune. He’s gazing up into the sky, watching the snow fall. He has an air of melancholy about him as he stares at the white winter land around us. I almost don’t want to interrupt him as he takes in the crisp air with a deep breath, but I do anyway.

“You go ahead… I’ve changed my mind about the Hollows today. I’ll see you later.” I don’t want to sound pathetic for not wanting to go because of my boots. The less I complain about the better. I turn to return inside the High Court castle, but stop at the sight of a figure in the doorway.

Arulius grins at me like just the sight of me makes his morning better. “Going to breakfast, love?” I shake my head and cross my arms. I'm still pissed at him for ditching me last week and he’s been AWOL lately—not that Iwantto see him, but the idea of being so easy to forget sucks. “I have some free time this morning. What are your plans?”

I look behind me at Rune. He’s back to focusing on me again.Ugh. I don’t like having an audience when Arulius and I interact, but Rune can’t talk, so…

“For the fucking thousandth time, I don’t want to spend time with you.” My chest gets heavy as the words come out. My mind is firm on the decision that I can’t forgive him, but my heart wants nothing more than to be close with him. I try to blame it on the bond, though there’s not really a way for me to know if that’s true or not. I despise the idea that I’ve become attached to him. But he’s been the only person by my side constantly for months—how could I not?

Arulius frowns and dips his head. His soft amethyst eyes rove from me to Rune before he steps closer to me. “Come now, love, don’t you miss me? I’ve missed you more than I can bear.” His eyes narrow on me with sorrow as he wraps an arm around me and hugs me desperately.

I let a curt laugh slip through my exhale. “Arulius. What you did canneverbe undone. Idon’tmiss you and Idon’twant you.”

I’m a little shocked at my audacity today. Usually I’m not this snappy with him unless Violet has drained my blood from me. Maybe the time away from him has built up the walls around my heart—callousing against his love. Or perhaps it's the hunger that's been building inside me with this blood-repulsion curse. I’ve always had Arulius’s blood close by, a daily hit of the golden ecstasy in his veins. I’m feeling particularly grumpy that I can’t have it.

The golden Eostrix brushes my hair behind my ear with a longing look in his eyes. “It’s okay… I’m a patient god, love. You’ll want me again someday. Just know that I love you and I’ll be here when you’re ready.”

He presses a kiss to my forehead and I’d be a liar if I said it didn’t spark a fire in me. It’s become hard to tell what the bond shares between us. My walls are up, but so are his. The assault of feelings the bond usually sends is less intoxicating than it was days ago.

“I’ll see you soon then, love. We have a dinner to attend tonight, so be sure to wear the dress Willow is delivering to your room this afternoon.” He turns and waves over his head as he walks back into the High Court.

Dinner to attend?What the fuck is he talking about? I look to Rune for an explanation and he just shrugs.

“Sorry you had to hear that. I’m sure you’ve heard what transpired between us.” He shakes his head and raises a brow. I can’t hold back the sarcasm in my voice when I say, “Oh good, story time later.A God of Wrath and Lies.” I pat his arm as I begin walking back to the castle too.

Rune steps in front of me, blocking my way, and I quirk a brow at him. “What’s wrong?”

He nods toward the streets. He wants to go see the Pine Hollows still?

I shake my head reluctantly. “You go on without me. My shoes aren’t ready to take a foot of snow. I can wait until the streets get shoveled.” I smile warmly at him. It’s getting easier to do so.

Crossing his arms, he gives me an annoyed expression and nods off toward the street again. I shake my head once more and move to pass him.

Stubborn asshole.

He grips my wrist and I flinch at his calloused hand. His skin is warm against the chill in the air. I turn to look at him, the surprise still surging through me that he actually stopped me.

His crimson eyes and three sharp horns pierce the winter sky around him as the snowflakes crash into his dark hair. He towers above me, and though he’s absolutely terrifying, he looks like a fallen god. Rough and abused, staring at me in his silence and speaking with only his eyes and actions. He’s like a drop of blood in the snow.

I’m speechless, and all I can do is stare at him like he does me.

He slowly reaches down, eyes never leaving mine as he lifts me into his arms, cradling me like I’ve been wounded.What the hell is he doing and why am I letting him do it?My heart threatens to war against the walls I’ve built but I quickly soothe the beast, reminding it of the pain we’ve already endured.

I choose not to say anything. I’m trying to take a page from his book.

He holds me tightly in his arms. His muscles are taut and I feel fragile in his embrace. After he’s sure I won’t retaliate, he begins walking down the cobblestone streets toward the Pine Hollow enclosure.

My cheek is pressed warmly against his chest, his black sweater soft and welcoming. I can hear his slow heartbeats with each step he takes. It’s lulling and I never want to leave.

I watch his face as he normally watches mine, and the longer I look the more I see. His long scar stretches from under his chin to his collarbone. I wince at the brutal wound. This close I can see that it’s a clean line, but thick… so someone must’ve inflicted it with a knife or aura blade.

I reach up and run my fingers softly down his throat on the ridge of his scar. Rune flinches at my gentle touch and glances down at me with a feral look in his eyes.

I tense and knit my brows. “Sorry…” I whisper as chills crawl up my spine. His expression dulls. He seems downhearted that I noticed his scar… and there goes my broken organ again, warring against the walls inside me. Wanting to reach out and hold him, heal him, and connect with his heart.

“I wish I could hear you.”

He looks ahead as we pass some Moss Sparrows exiting a small shop. I press my face into his chest again. I can only smell his heavy scent of blood, metallic and sharp. He has no sage like Kastian, pines like Wren, or rain like Arulius. He only has the ominous and dark scent of blood.

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