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My cheeks are hot with rage and I’m two seconds from goinggodmode on his ass. Our eyes clash and I see fire burning in his as well.

He presses his hands on the wall on either side of my head and I’m wrapping my fist in aura to knock a tooth out of him when a small voice raises beneath us.

His crimson eyes are still on mine as they widen and clear instantly.

We both look down and see the small Moss Sparrow girl that he helped earlier. She has the smallest flower I’ve ever seen in Tomorrow in her palm. It’s withered from the cold weather but completely intact. My heart fills with warmth at the sight of her.

“Hi, mister. I wanted to say thank you.” She smiles so wide I think it breaks my soul as she holds the flower up with both hands. Rune bends down to her level to accept the gift from her. I watch his interaction with awe.

His crimson eyes are alight with softness and a lovely small smile pulls at his lips as he takes the flower. The Sparrow giggles and throws her arms around his neck in a tight hug, and as she does her eyes land on me. She’s got big green eyes and the cutest moss balls I’ve ever seen sprinkled throughout her auburn hair.

“Whoa. Miss… you’re so beautiful,” she mumbles as she releases Rune and sets her attention on me.

I quirk a brow and look over my shoulder to make sure there isn’t another woman standing behind me. Me? Beautiful in my secondhand clothes that fit weird? I haven’t been eating well these last six months either, so I know I look rather ghastly, and I definitely didn’t brush my hair today… but sure as shit, her sparkling green eyes are on me.

Gods, that was the compliment I didn’t know I needed.

I crouch down to her level and smile warmly. “Thank you, that was very kind.” She beams at me until she’s practically glowing. “But you shouldn’t let Lady Violet hear you say that, okay? She wouldn’t like it—I’m a prisoner.”

The girl's eyes go round and she looks a bit upset at that, but my stern look drills it in and she nods. Rune watches me closely, like he doesn’t trust me, but I ignore him.

“Can I touch your ears?” she mumbles and puffs out her cheeks like it would be the best thing ever if I said yes. I chuckle and nod. Her small hands grip my fluffy lamb ears and she lights up even more. “Wow. Gods, I hope I get fluffy ears like yours someday!”

Rune bends down and I try not to jolt out of my skin as his hand reaches up and touches my ears right alongside her. There’s a flash of truce in his eyes and for a moment I’m taken back to the first time Kastian and Arulius felt my ears. The memory warms my broken organ and I manage a genuine smile at him.

“I’ve got to get back to the game now. Thanks again, mister.” The Sparrow runs off down the corridor and we both stand to watch her.

Rune holds the flower delicately as he looks down at it like it actually means something to him and I can’t help but feel like maybe he and I got off on the wrong foot.

I spare a glance back to the library but decide maybe I should wait for another day. He seemed like he didn’t want me going in there.

We walk silently back to our side of the castle. When we get to my room he stands there like he’s trying to come up with words, but I know he can’t say them.

“Are you sorry for being a dick?” I mumble and raise a brow at him.

He looks at me emptily for a few moments before nodding.

Okay,thisI can work with. “Why did you come in like that this morning? You looked so mad at me.” I furrow my brow but keep my voice light. He shakes his head at that. “You weren’t mad?” I ask.

Another shake.

“Okay, well… I don’t know your reasons, but knock that shit off, otherwise that punch will be the least of your worries.” I lift my chin and he gives me that shit-eating grin again. I smirk back this time. “You think I’m kidding?” I lean forward. I’m going to just push him, but my foot gets caught on one of the jagged stones and I fall into him, taking him by surprise.

We both fall to the floor and I’m on top of him like I just tackled his ass on purpose. Gods, I have to commit to it now.

“See? I’m not joking—” I get cut off and let out a shrill sound as he flips us so I’m beneath him and a surge of heat goes straight through me. His arms are taut and his shirt has lifted enough so that his stomach is bare. My eyes lag to meet his as I take him in, but when I do I’m surprised I don’t find anger burning there.

There’s a different kind of fire in his eyes now.

Oh. This might work out.



Snow brushes the windows gently. The flakes are the size of coins and fluffy, falling slowly to the earth in a silent dance around the cottages and shops outside my window.

It’s been nearly a week since Violet set the repulsion curse on me.

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