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Her eyes grow wide and she glares on my behalf. “What?!”

“That’s whatI’msaying!”

She rolls her eyes with the same ferocity I do. Fucking. Males.

“I know he can be a dick. A quiet one, but at least he shouldn’t bother you too much. I hope.” She tries to cheer me up nonetheless and I really appreciate the notion.

I let out a long sigh. “Yeah, well, his room is right next to mine. They really went all out on making this an actual punishment.”

Naminé glances to my side to let me know someone is approaching, but I don’t turn to look. “Where do they have you staying now? I noticed you weren’t at Arulius’s manor anymore.”

I clutch the sleeve of my sweater at the thought of being apart from him. It feels good, but there’s also this hole inside me now. Like it’s wrong to be away from him. Even if I hate his guts, he was still always close by. Always loving me. “I’m staying on the west end of the castle, in the shabby stone area with that small room.”

She frowns and shakes her head. “Gods, I’m sorry, Elodie. With all the nice rooms here I don’t know why they would have you stay in that cupboard—” I shoot her askip the bullshitlook and she tightens her lips. “Right… Well, I need to head off with my new assigned team now, but I’m wishing you the best. I’ll try to check in on you soon.” She waves as she steps away.

I wave back with a half smile and let my hand drop when she’s gone. I should get on with finding the library.

The first place I search is the basement. I’m shitting my pants with how dark it is down here. I keep hearing footsteps echoing around me and seeing shadows that seem to move as I pass doorways. After wandering around in the dark for half an hour, I decide it’s not down there and head up to the second story.

I trail down long, extravagant hallways with white tiles and beautiful paintings on the walls. The ceilings are insanely high and the tall windows cast shadows away with the amount of light they let in. It’s much warmer up here with many fireplaces in each room.

Somuch better than the basement.

I hear a group of people coming up behind me and decide I don’t want to get questioned or eyed for being out without my guard, so I pick up my pace as I round a corner. My steps are silent and—

I grunt as I run headfirst into someone and fall back on my ass.

There’s a group of young Moss Sparrows circling around and looking at everything with wide eyes. The moss balls on their heads are dark green and their messy hair reminds me so much of Marley it hurts. My heart stings at the notion that all the youth here died young on the other side, but their happy faces and laughs quickly push that somber thought away.

I glance up to the person I ran into and of course it's Rune. He eyes me carefully, but doesn’t lean down to help me up. The Moss Sparrows all gaze at me from around his legs with big eyes and curious little smiles, so I keep my attitude cheerful for their sakes. They’re so fucking cute.

“Oops, sorry! Please excuse me.” I bow my head and then trot down the hall a bit, looking over my shoulder to see if he’s in pursuit. Rune’s eyes are still on me when I turn, but he quickly looks down at the smallest young Sparrow and pats her head warmly as he hands her a bandaged-up toy. Did he fix that for them?

The little Sparrow wipes her tears away and smiles up at Rune. They all say their thanks before scampering down the hall the way I came. Rune’s face remains expressionless as he watches them all run off to have fun. My heart warms a bit at the interaction. I’m blaming it on the Moss Sparrows for being too damn cute though. They make my heart yearn for Marley. Wren too. I wonder what they’re doing right now. Do they think of me as often as I do them? I sigh at the thought.

I continue to watch Rune. His neck is fully tatted and it lines his jaw perfectly. His black sweater and pants match his entire vibe. Dark and broody. The Dreadius’s eyes flick back up to me and I flinch under his heavy red gaze, realizing that I’m staring at him.

I snap back to walking down this hall, pretending like I didn’t just watch that whole interaction. My eyes catch on a large set of double doors at the end of a hallway.

That looks likesomething.I smile to myself. The doors are a matte ebony and look ancient. Trees are engraved on them. What else would a library entrance look like? I start walking toward it, but fall short as I hear steps close behind me.

I come to a stop and so does the person following me. I glance over my shoulder and see Rune pursuing me with a pissed-off look plastered on his face. He may be good at ignoring people, according to Naminé, but obviously I get under his skin. Good.

“What do you want?” I snap, furrowing my brows as his early-morning bullshit freshens in my mind.

He crosses his arms in response and that’s it. I huff and roll my eyes, continuing to saunter my way toward the library. Who cares if he follows me? As long as he leaves me alone, it’s fine. Who’s he going to tell? His asshole brother, Kol? I scoff.

Just as I get to the library doors, he steps in front of me to block the way. I grit my teeth. “Move, asshole. I’ll punch you again, if that’s what you want.”

His eyes darken and he gives me a haunting smirk, a fucking shit-eating grin, and shrugs at me.

I’m speechless for a moment.

I don’t know what to do, what to say, or what fucking day it is, but I’ll be damned if this bottom-feeding prick thinks he can get away with that.

I roll my sleeves up to give him what he’s asking for and his grin disappears as he walks into me, pushing me back with his chest until I’m backed against a wall.

Oh my gods, this man wants to die today, I swear.

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