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Just like a month ago, a single thought burst through my mind.

He’s a beast.

I smoothed my hands over the hard plains of his chest and felt a shiver race through me, from my head to the aching, empty spot between my legs. “You’re going to break me.”

Lee gripped my wrists, tugging me closer until I could no longer stare at his naked chest. When my eyes met his, something about the sadness there made me feel like I was split in two. “Not gonna hurt you.”

When I nodded, he sat up, catching me off guard. My quick inhale had me sucking in his breath as his lips came so close they were nearly touching mine.

“Never going to hurt you.”

But he did. Everything hurt. Every aching, pulsing, bleeding piece of me hurt. His lips touched mine, the tiniest wisp of a kiss, as he pulled my hands down his chest. My palms burned as he released me, and I continued going down, over abs that shouldn’t have been possible on a real live human. And my skin burst into flames as his hands cupped my ass, cradling me as he squeezed, pulling me into him until I was dying for more.

I worked my fingers through the button on his pants, and he groaned before he leaned back, dragging me with him as he fell to the mattress once more. Though my heart thudded, it wasn’t from fear. Not really. Not the kind I’d felt nearly every day since before he’d saved me on that boat.

I was in over my head, and I was afraid I’d never be enough for this gorgeous man. I already knew I could never pay him back for all he’d done for me.

But I was going to try.

“Fuck, Kelly.” Lee groaned again, his hands clamping down on my ass as my fingers slid along the velvety skin of his cock. “Feels so good, baby. You feel so good. Can’t tell you how much I want this.”

“What do you want?” My lips brushed his as I said it, and he took no time giving me his response.

“You. All of you. Every last fuckin’ bit.” He lifted his hips, and I took the chance and tugged at one side of his pants. His hooded eyes met mine. His tongue slipped out to wet his lips. Then his hands left my body, gripping his pants and sliding them down his hips.

His cock bobbed free, and had I not still had him wrapped up in my hand, I was sure he would have slammed into me with the force of a falling tree.

Holy hell.

I hadn’t had a chance to look at him back at the club, but I did now. I slid off his lap, releasing him from my grip so I could tug his pants down his massive thighs.

Copper-tinted hair and freckles dusted his lower body, a contrast to the smooth, bare skin of his cock. My body ached, a reminder of what it’d felt like to have him inside of me. So long. So thick. So huge.

I slid my palms up his thighs and watched as his cock moved on its own. Like it was straining for me. Like it couldn’t wait for me to slide my tongue over its long, long length.

“Fuck.” Lee’s hands went straight to my head, his fingers snagging in my hair as they dug in. A bolt of fear raced through me as my lips wrapped around his tip, as the force of his hands pushed me down over him, gagging me, choking me, bringing tears to my eyes.

It was his groan that soothed away that shock of fear. The long, low rumble I could feel rolling through me the way I had when I’d been sitting on his lap.

I bobbed over him, my hands braced on his thighs, my cheeks hollowed out as I sucked and licked and ate up his pleasure like it was meant to be mine.

Just keep going, a voice in my head screamed. If you make him come now, he won’t hurt you.

My heart pounded in my chest like it could somehow stop my quick breaths. The only thing stopping them was Lee’s dick hitting the back of my throat. I gagged and sputtered and went back for more, only to be torn free from him as strong hands hooked under my arms and yanked me away.

“Kelly! Kelly, stop!” Lee pulled me up the bed, dropping me beside him before he was smoothing his fingers over my cheeks, wiping away the flood of tears. “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re safe with me.”

Safe with me.

I curled into his side and only stiffened a little when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

Just like last year, I let him soothe away my fears as he held me and whispered that I was okay. That he was with me.

That with him, I’d always be safe.



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