Page 41 of The Summons

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“Magic relies heavily on believing. You need to believe in it, in order for it to work.”

I’m a believer alright. The thought of drinking this stuff and being able to have sex with Cash... tonight, had me squirming in my seat in anticipation. I pull open the bag, take the bottle from within and pull the cork out with my teeth. Spitting it on the floor, I hold the bottle up. “I do believe we will have a sleepless night.”

He nods. “And you best believe I’ll be ravishing your body. In every which way I can.”

As his words cause an uncontrollable shiver down my spine, I take a sniff and a sip. Let me tell you that the godawful smell was nothing like the taste. I hold it in my mouth for a second, looking desperately for someplace to spit it out. Hitting the button to put the window down, I’m gearing up to let that sucker sail out of my mouth. But then I feel an icy hot, electrifying jolt sliding in and out of my vagina in long languid thrusts. I look over at him and see him staring at me with such an intensity that I swallow what’s in my mouth. I realize that Cash is showing me a new meaning for getting mind fucked.

Hitting the power seat button, I recline it and plant my feet against the floor, bearing down. My eyes roll in the back of my head as I stuff my hand down the front of my pants and dip my fingers inside my pussy. Sliding the slickness upwards to my clit, I begin to rock back and forth as my hips start gyrating to the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of me.

Nothing like fucking air, I thought to myself.

Cash had to have picked up on my thoughts because he pulls the Jeep over and slams it into park. Leaning towards me he slides his hand alongside mine and slips his fingers inside of me as he devours my mouth with his. Pulling my hand away, I rip open my shirt and buttons go flying as I yank my bra down, exposing my breast. He knows exactly what I want and dips his head, capturing my nipple between his lips, he tongues it as fast as his fingers are flicking my bean and I lose all control. Still holding the bottle of potion in one hand, I smack the other on the oh-shit bar above my window and hang on as I experience the most mind blowing, sexually satisfying orgasm, Of. My. Life.

I’m still gripping the bar as he leans back and points to the bottle in my hand. “Impressive. You didn’t spill a drop.” He winks at me then grins. “Bottoms up.”

He casually puts the Jeep back into gear, pulls back onto the road and heads to the hotel.


W E ARE BACK IN THE room and I’m currently standing in the shower with my mouth open trying to suck in as much water as I can. I don’t know what the hell was in that bottle other than eye of newt and eels’ scales but after drinking the potion I’ve discovered I have an insatiable thirst. Not just for water but for everything.

The plan was for us to shower together but that was vetoed when my stomach started growling. I had searched my suitcase for any snacks that I might have snuck in it and only came up with an unopened bag of Starbursts. I polished that off while he hopped in the shower. Once he got out, I begged him to go get me food. I think I have worms or something now because I’m quite certain that the potion was as old as Lilith would be if she were here.

I hear a tap on the door. “Hey, are you done in there?” Cash asks.

“Yup, just getting out now.” I turn the taps off and shove the shower curtain aside as I step out. Taking a towel off the rack, I wrap it around my head, and pull on my robe. I don’t know what I’m more excited about, the smell of the food wafting from under the door or having sex with Cash. Seeing how I’ve waited this long for him; the food is my first choice. Grabbing my hairbrush, I yank open the door and round the corner then freeze.

He’s sitting there with the food spread out on the table looking sexy as hell, but he isn’t what has me frozen in place. It’s the two black animals sitting on the bed with glowing yellow eyes.

“Uhhh... Cash!” My eyes dart to him, only to see him grinning like a fool.

Many things are running through my mind. One, he really is wanting to kill me, and the two beasts are here to do the job. Two that food smells so damn good and three, I want to fucking jump his bones and bounce on him like a pogo stick.

“Relax Cass, these are our familiars.” He waves a hand at the two creatures who are now standing, looking at me like I’m lunch.

“Familiars?” I close my eyes and shake my head. Hoping they disappeared, I crack open an eye. Nope. They did not.

“Our protectors. They will do what we tell them too. Kinda like the imp that attacked you.”

“I see. Are they ours or is one mine?” I slowly extend my hand to see if one had a preference in me. The wolf came forward and licked my hand, then rubbed his big head into my palm. “He’s mine, isn’t he?”

“My wedding gift to you, yes.” Cash nods. “And Nala is mine.” At the mention of her name, the big cat jumped off the bed and flopped against Cash’s leg.

“I thought it was high time you met yours. He doesn’t have a name, so feel free to give him one.”

Feeling a bit more confident, I called the wolf to me. He jumped down and stood beside me than sat. He was so huge that his head was even with my waist. “Can I pet him?”

“Absolutely, he is yours.”

I reach out and lay my hand upon his head and find his coat to be so soft. I give him a good scratching with my nails and his back leg starts pumping. “Is that a good itch?” I sit on the floor and coo to him, and he falls into my lap like a puppy, and I wrap my arms around his neck. “What shall I name you?” I whisper. He looks up at me with soulful eyes and I’m instantly smitten. “You need a regal name, I think. How does George sound?” I’m rewarded with a sloppy kiss across my cheek.

Cash bursts out laughing. “George?”

“Ah, yeah. You know, King George?”

“Of course. Come and eat.”

With one last pet to George, I get up off the floor and join Cash at the table. I pull out a chair and plop down. “This looks amazing,” I say, as I start drooling at the spread.

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