Page 40 of The Summons

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Chapter 17

C assidy


N EITHER I NOR CASH imagined we would be getting married once we set out in search of the magical village but that’s precisely what we did. Turns out, that Hector, acting as a priest was instructed by Lilith when the time came to do exactly that. A quick ceremony where he tied our wrists together, blessed us with the four elements, water; for our love to flow, earth; security and stability, wind; intellect and communication, and fire; for undying passion and ambition. We then each drank from a goblet blessed by him then jumped over a broomstick to seal the deal. It was all so simple yet perfect. And when Cash looked me in the eyes as he slipped Lilith’s’ ring on my finger I knew in my heart of hearts that this man belonged to me for as long as I wanted.

We are back in the Jeep now and headed to the hotel and I can’t stop looking at the ring. It soothes me, in a way I’ve never known before. The second he slipped it on, I felt the anxiety that’s been just under the surface for the past week being sucked out and as strange as it sounds, into the ring.

I reach behind Cash’s seat, and grab the little moon, and star bag. Setting it on my lap, I peek inside and see a bottle laying on a bed of tissue paper with pink glowing liquid inside it. “You know, I think Hector is a bit off his rocker, but he seemed like a nice man.”

He takes his eyes off the road for a second and looks at me. “What makes you say that?”

I laugh. He doesn’t bat an eye. “Come on, Cash, he said he saw the ring on Lilith’s finger!”

He slowly nods. “Yeah. He probably did.”

This time I howl with laughter. “That’s absurd... isn’t it?”

“Cassi.” He gives me a side eye glance. “We were in a village that appeared out of nowhere. Is it really that absurd?”

“Holy shit... were we transported back in time? Oh my God, no wonder he was wearing a dress.”

Now he laughs. “It’s called a robe. Want to hear something interesting?”

At this point I don’t know if I’m coming or going or what is real and what isn’t. I lift a shoulder of indifference. “Sure.”

“He told me that in order for the potion to work you need to drink it and then have sex twenty-four hours before the ‘wedding’ is consummated.”

I sit for a minute waiting for what he just told me to register in my brain. It didn’t. Scrunching my face up, I look at him and squint. “What?! How is that supposed to work? I thought we just got married?”

“In the eyes of the magic world, yes, we are for a year.”

Feeling disappointed at learning it’s only for twelve short months, I mumble. “Oh...What happens after that?”

“We can redo the ceremony... if you want to.”

Of course I want to, why wouldn’t I? But instead of saying that, I just nod thoughtfully. “You were saying about the potion?”

“Lilith created the potion for women of nobility so they could pick and choose who the father of their child was.”

I still ain’t getting it. “Huh?”

Cash laughs. “In layman’s terms?”


“They would drink it, have sex with their husband, then twenty-four hours later, go screw their brains out with whomever they wanted. Think of it as a vaccination against unwanted sperm.”

“Oooh. So, it kills off anything but the chosen semen. That’s genius!”

“It really is! There’s only one thing.”

Of course there is, there always is. “What’s that?”

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