Page 42 of The Summons

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“Dig in, you’re going to need the fuel.” He winks at me as he bites into a chicken wing.

I pick up my fork and stab a baked potato, dropping it onto my plate as my other hand is working a pair of tongs, tossing fried chicken onto the plate as well. I start stuffing my face and I wasn’t dainty about it either.

We eat in silence until Cash asks, “You were hungry, weren’t you?”

I nod and take a sip of water. “Yes! It’s like my stomach was a hollow pit.”

He picks up his drink and looks over the glass at me with lazy eyes. “Feeling better?”

I sit back in my chair and pat my belly. “Much.”

“Do you want to know what I think is sexy as hell?”

I look at him and lick my lips. “What?”

“You. Sitting there with a towel wrapped around your head, eating with gusto, sitting in a robe...”—he lowers his voice to a growl— “... that I know you’re completely naked under.”

I swipe the dishes aside and launch myself across the table at him. He shoves his chair back and catches me in his arms, pulling me to him. Our lips collide and our tongues dance as he pulls the robe from my shoulders and his hands find my breasts, kneading and teasing my nipples to stiff peaks. Tearing his mouth from mine, he trails his lips down my throat to my shoulder, where he nips it with his teeth as I grind my pussy against his throbbing cock.

He pulls back and looks me in the eyes. I notice a blue flickering flame, in his that reminds me of my ring.

He murmurs, “Are you ready for dessert?”

Dessert? He IS the dessert as far as I’m concerned. Mutely I nod.

His hands settle on my ass as he stands in one fluid motion, and I cling to him. With a snap of his fingers two things happen. The animals disappear and a small chocolate fountain with a bowl of strawberries appear on the bedside table.

He pulls the towel off my head and carries me to the bed and gently lays me upon it. Stripping off his clothes he looks at me and says, “I trust you like chocolate and strawberries?”

“Wait.” Remembering what happened in the woods, and how we were rudely interrupted I put a hand on his chest. “Will the others know we are doing this?”

He grins. “Nope, I blocked them all from this room. Ever since the imp incident.”

“Well, in that case, I do love me some chocolate and strawberries.”

That’s all he needed to hear. I watch in delight as he dips his head and licks my nipple, then clamps his lips onto it. Drawing it into his mouth, he begins to suck on it, long pulling tugs, while he runs his hand down my body to my pussy.

“My vixen, you’re quite the mess, aren’t you?”

In answer I thrust my hips upwards and gasp with delight as his fingers stroke inside me and his thumb finds my clit. I start to see stars, but I don’t want to yet, I want this feeling to last a lifetime and most of all I want his throbbing cock in me, not his fingers.

I shove him off me, and he rolls over taking me with him. Straddling his hips, I push him back onto the mattress. “Not so fast there, stud,” I say, even though I can feel myself dripping. Dripping onto his dick. I gasp as it twitches against me, as if it’s begging for a drink like a parched man in the middle of a desert.

He raises his brows at me and grins. “You don’t say? How bout I show you how fast I can be?” He grabs hold of my hips and jerks me upward and plants me onto his face. His tongue darts out and in one long swipe he licks me from asshole to clit. I grip the headboard as he jams his magical tongue into me, and I swear to all that is holy, that this man must have the strongest one in the world. This time when I start seeing stars, I don’t fight it. Instead, I ride the wave of ecstasy, gripping his head tightly between my thighs as I hold on for dear life.

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