Page 28 of Tobias

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Tobias smiled at her, then looked at the other men in the room. Kelsey was grinning at him, knowing where all this was leading.

“Well, as soon as Kels, Cruz, and Grandpa give me the thumbs up on your ability to travel, we’ll be going to Louisiana. My home. Where I hope you’ll allow me to offer you a room in my house. If you don’t want that, we can find a cottage for you by yourself.”

“You would want to share a house with me?” she asked quietly. “Even after all this? Even knowing what you know about me?”

“Gail, honey, everything I know about you is why I want to do this. You’re amazing. You’re smart, beautiful, free-willed, you care about others. And you and I both know that we’re perfect for one another. I won’t rush you. Not now, not ever. We get to know one another.

“When you’re ready, we can go up to New York and get all your things. Until then, just enjoy healing and recovering. You’ll be close to Dana and spend the holidays with me and my family.”

“I don’t think they’ll like me very much,” she whispered. Tobias chuckled, shaking his head.

“Honey, my grandfather already thinks you’re awesome,” he grinned at Wilson, who nodded, giving her a wink. “JB thinks you’re amazing. In fact, he couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t blasting your phone after you left. I know that mymom will love you[PC4].”

“But, what about work? I mean, it’s obvious my parents have no money. I have to work.”

“You don’t have to,” said Gaspar. “We all make enough money that you would be just fine. But, I have it on good authority that you’re a helluva nurse. We can always use a few more of those.”

“That’s for sure,” smiled Kelsey. “Lena has been talking about retirement for years now. So have Wilson and Doc. I’m sure they’d love to work a few less hours.”

“Really?” she asked, tears shining in her eyes.

“Really,” they echoed.

“Then I guess I’m going to Louisiana.”


“Thank you, guys, for staying behind,” said Luke.

“It’s not a problem, Luke. What did you need?” asked Rory. He was sitting with Piper, Lucia, Cait, Axel, Jean, Lars, King, and Addie.

“The case that we’re working now is for Dana with her friend, Gail. Well, I guess it’s really become a case for Tobias,” grinned Luke. “Anyway, we need to get behind the scenes with NutriHealth.”

“The food and nutrition company?” frowned Rory. “Why?”

“We think that Eddie Quinn is behind all of this. The team found the two men that attacked Gail. They’ve been dealt with. But before they were disposed of, they divulged that Eddie’s an egomaniac with a heavy dose of narcissistic tendencies. I’m going to bet that if he sees any of you, he’s going to jump at wanting you on the team.”

“Why am I there?” asked Jean.

“Well, Uncle Jean, in case you’ve missed it, you’re a huge part of this team,” he grinned. “You are insanely fit and take care of your body. Seriously, you could compete. Plus, we want him to know about your financial abilities. He might just be looking for a replacement as an investment advisor.”

“Great,” frowned Jean. “But thanks for the compliments, Luke.”

“Look, between you, Rory, King, and Axel, I would expect he’d be drooling thinking he could use you on the cover of his ads. He’ll want the girls, but we need to be really cautious about that. He may try to use you in other ways.”

Cait’s head went up, her eyes wide. She’d been beaten before and raped. She wasn’t keen on putting herself in that situation again.

“Cait, I would never send you in without protection. Axel and the others will be there. In fact, Axel and you, Rory and Piper, Lars and Lucia, and King and Addie will all go in as couples. You’ll regale your tales about how his products have improved your lives.”

“Regale?” frowned King.

“Tell a story,” smirked Addie.

“Oh, right. I’m just a Texas boy. Don’t confuse me.” King was far more than ‘just’ a Texas boy. He was highly intelligent with a keen sense of street smarts. He was not a man you wanted to underestimate.

“Listen to me, all of you. This man is a master at getting people into positions where they owe him. Then, he uses them, their loved ones, and anyone else to make himself money. I would guess once we get all the financials back, we’re going to figure out that he didn’t lose as much as he led others to believe.”

“What do you mean?” asked Piper.

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