Page 27 of Tobias

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“W-was that him?” asked Gail, looking up at Tobias. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead.

“That was him, but he won’t ever bother you again.”

“How can you be sure? How can I be sure he won’t come after me again?” she asked with tears in her eyes. Tobias gently led her toward the sofa, taking a seat next to her.

“Gail, I need you to trust me, trust us, in this. Sometimes, I won’t be able to tell you everything, but you have to believe me. He will never bother you or anyone else again.” Gail stared into his eyes, then looked at Wilson, Gaspar, Bull, and the others.

“O-okay. Okay, I trust you.”

“Gail, do you ever remember seeing your sister with injuries similar to your own?” asked Bull.

“Not really, but we weren’t very close. Phoebe was a lot like my mother. She was all about the beauty queen status and marrying the man with the fattest checkbook. She was also a good bit older than me. I think I remember one time when I was in high school. I came down for breakfast, and my mom was putting something on her face.

“At first, I didn’t think anything of it, but when she turned to look at me, I could tell it was cover-up makeup.”

“Cover-up makeup?”

“Yea. Lots of women use it to cover imperfect skin, blemishes, scars, acne, anything. This was the heavy-duty kind that could cover port wine stains, birthmarks, or bruises. I used it to cover dark circles after a night out,” she blushed.

“That man, William, he said that they used your sister several times. Not just once. He also said that your sister-in-law, Amy, was used multiple times and that she enjoyed it.” Gail nodded, nibbling on her bottom lip.

“Honestly, none of that surprises me. I mean, them using Phoebe more than once is a bit surprising. I mean, why didn’t her husband say something?”

“Maybe she wasn’t married at the time,” said Bull.

“Maybe. I mean, she probably wasn’t married the first few times. Amy? Amy is a different story. She was never someone I liked very much, but Lucas thought she was the best.”

“Why didn’t you like her?” asked Wilson.

“Well, I thought she was only after Lucas’s money, which seemed weird. She came from money. But people, friends, in my parents’ circle were very ‘proper.’ Very conservative in the way they spoke, always doing and saying the right things. Amy didn’t seem to mind ruffling feathers or shocking people.”

“How did she shock them?” asked Tobias.

“She was pretty open about sex and their sex life. Lucas thought it was funny because my mother would always pretend to be shocked. I remember Phoebe telling me that Amy liked it rough in the bedroom. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, but I guess now it does. She said that Amy was going to make it worse for all of us.”

“The men we found said that she was used multiple times and enjoyed it.”

“Geez, that’s sick,” said Gail, holding her stomach.

“You said she came from money. Are her parents still living? Do they still have money?” asked Tobias.

“Her father is living, but I never heard her speak of her mother. In fact, it’s how Lucas met Amy. She’s the daughter of my father’s client, Eddie Quinn.”

“Fuck me,” growled Gaspar.

“Wh-what’s wrong? Why did you say that?”

“Honey, we think Eddie Quinn is behind all of this,” said Tobias. “Those men downstairs said that when your father lost his investments, he would ask to be paid in another way. By using your mother, sister, and yourself. And, it appears, he would use his own daughter. Do you remember meeting him?”

“A few times, but always from a distance. I was very little the first time. I barely remember it. Then later, I would see him at these big holiday parties my parents always threw.”

“What was he like?” asked Wilson.

“Small,” she frowned. “I mean, I’m small, but he’s not much bigger than me. He would hold himself like he was the biggest man in the room, but he definitely wasn’t. He always had two or three bodyguards with him, which I thought was ridiculous. I mean, who was going to kill a guy with a health food company? He was just pompous. Very arrogant.”

“Well, all of that is helpful,” said Wilson, squeezing her hand.

“What happens now? Where do I go? I mean, the men that did this to me are, uh, taken care of. But what about Eddie? If he’s behind all of this, what happens now?”

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