Page 29 of Tobias

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“Ro and Grace are working on the reported financials right now, but we’re digging for the unreported as well. We think he lied to Mackenzie about how much he lost. Mackenzie should have been smart enough to figure it out, but if he was being denied access to certain files, it’s possible that he wasn’t aware.

“I think he really gets off on these parties where he sells these women to business associates for the weekend.”

“Jesus, this is fucked up,” frowned Rory.

“We’ve done fucked up before, and we’ll do it again, but I want to get some justice for Gail and her family. Even if they knew, even if they went in willingly, I think this was all still a ruse. A game,” said Luke.

“Well, he won’t be happy when he figures out our game,” growled Axel. “And the good news is, I don’t give a shit if he’s happy or not.”

“He definitely won’t be happy. His headquarters is in New York City. Fifth and Fifty-third, to be exact.”

“Swanky address,” frowned Rory. “That must be costing him a fortune. How many employees does he currently have?”

“There are one hundred and seventy listed at that address, but he has a warehouse where the products are shipped from in New Jersey. Hotel prices are insane right now in New York because it’s so close to the holidays. Be glad we like you,” smirked Luke. “Pigsty was able to get a suite at the Plaza. It has four bedrooms, so plenty of space for everyone to spread out.”

“And how do we know that he is actually looking for new employees?” asked Axel. “Do we just walk in and say we’re looking for a job?”

“No,” said Tanner, standing from the comms desk. He handed them each a packet with information in it. “Inside is an overview of NutriHealth. It’s reported earnings, products, everything. Jean will go in as a possible candidate for an investor relations specialist. Once he sees him, he’s going to ask him to stay on for other reasons.

“The rest of you will go in for various different jobs. He has a pattern. He hires ripped, athletic, gorgeous men and women. None of them are very bright, so you’ll need to dumb it down a bit. Find out what’s really going on at NutriHealth.”

“Alright,” nodded Jean.

“Jean? You and Rory are the seniors on this mission. Watch out for the others, and if at any point in time you feel that your lives are at risk, get the fuck out of there. Quinn and NutriHealth are all the rage. People love him and the products. We have to be very careful about how we do this.”

“Don’t worry, Luke. Not our first rodeo.” Luke nodded, hugging his uncle.

“I know. But you’re my only Uncle Jean.”


Gail could not believe the luxury of the private plane. She’d flown private jets before, but this thing was next-level. Tobias had carefully laid her on the reclining seat, ensuring she was comfortable. Then, Cruz, Kelsey, and Wilson took over checking her wounds, vitals, and dressings.

She stared up at Wilson, the man that Tobias called Grandfather.

“Staring isn’t polite,” he smirked.

“I’m so sorry,” she blushed. “It’s just that I’m trying to figure out how it’s possible that you’re his grandfather. I mean, you’re really, really handsome and extremely fit. It’s a bit disconcerting to think of a grandfather in that way.” Wilson wanted to ask, ‘what way,’ but wasn’t sure he wanted the answer to the question.

“Thank you,” he chuckled. “Wait until you see my gorgeous wife and his other set of grandparents. We do growing old right at Belle Fleur.”

“I can see that,” she smiled. “The others, Gaspar and his brothers, and Bull, they’re all about your age, right?”

“Yea, more or less. Rafe, Gabe, and Antoine are all a bit younger. Gaspar is my age. Bull is a few years older.”

“It’s just remarkable. Whatever you’re doing, you should bottle it and sell it. I know a lot of women who would pay a fortune for your skin.” Wilson just smiled, nodding at her.

“Are you in any pain?” he asked. Gail looked away, biting her lip. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me. I can get Kelsey if you’d rather.”

“No. No, that’s okay. I’m still pretty sore around my vagina and anus,” she blushed. Wilson nodded, the anger building inside him.

“That’s to be expected, Gail. They weren’t kind to you. It will all heal, but it will take time. Does it hurt to urinate?”

“A little, but it’s getting better.”

“Good. If it gets to be too much, let us know.” He started to stand and head to his seat, but she gripped his hand, pulling him back.

“Will it matter to all of you? Tobias’s family. Will it matter that this happened? That I probably won’t have children?”

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