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Ada watched Brooklyn nod.

“I bet you two need a drink as well. What do you say we join them?” Paulo held out his hand, signaling them to follow.

There seemed to be a polite formality between Arlo and his dad, which piqued Ada’s curiosity.

The three of them stood around a bar, where a man in a tux served them drinks. This was by far the nicest house Ada had ever been in.LA mansions seem lacking compared to this place,she decided.

Suddenly, Luiz came in and announced, “Dinner is ready. Let’s eat!”

Ada followed their host onto the patio where there was a long table. She hesitated. There had to be at least forty chairs—all filled with people… already sitting… and staring back at them.

Luiz began speaking in Portuguese. Ada made a move to pull out her chair when Arlo whispered, “He’s asking that you and I remain standing. He says…” Arlo paused to listen in before continuing to translate, “they have a special surprise for us.”

Ada leaned in. “What? Is this normal?”

Soon everyone’s head turned toward the patio entrance where Arlo’s mom and dad were accompanying a man in a tux, rolling out a cart.

As they got closer, Ada leaned in and said, “Is it your birthday? Why are they bringing out a giant cake?”

Francisca began speaking in Portuguese. When she finished, applause erupted. There was a collective “aww!” Ada scanned the table only to find heads tilted and eyes staring at them adoringly.

“Arlo,” she said through her teeth. “What does the cake say?” Her cheeks were beginning to ache from obligatory smiling.

He whispered back, “It says, ‘Congratulations! We wish you all the best!’”

“Why are they wishing you the best?”

Out of the corner of his mouth he whispered, “They’re wishingusthe best.” Arlo let out a subtle exhale while waving, nodding, and mouthing thank you to the guests.

“For the New Year’s Eve party?” Ada’s brow was creased so deeply, the line in her forehead could have been engraved.

Arlo reached a hand to her face, guiding her to turn towards him. Then he leaned down, kissed her on the cheek and whispered, “It appears… they think we’re… engaged.”

Ada gripped the chair in front of her to steady herself.

“Play it cool while I figure out what’s going on.”

Ada wanted to stand on her chair and scream “Abort! You’ve got it wrong! No one is engaged!” But, she didn’t have time to make a move.

Arlo’s parents walked toward them. His mother, Francisca, took Ada’s limp hand in hers. “You two are so sweet together. I remember when Paulo asked me to marry him. Best day of my life.”

Arlo’s dad patted him on the back and then leaned forward, touching his cheek to hers. “We’re so thankful he finally found someone to help him settle down.”

His father turned toward the table of guests and cleared his throat. Everyone went silent. “I’d like to make a toast. Our Henrique has been gone far too long. Son, it is good to have you home. Your friends, family, and island have missed you. We can only hope this is a beautiful new chapter in all of our lives. We are looking forward to getting to know you more, Ada. Welcome to the family.” Then he raised his glass. “Saúde!”

Ada struggled to swallow her champagne. Family? Welcome to the family?She looked around at the sea of elated faces staring back at her. Her knees felt like jello.

Fingers enveloped her hand. When she looked down, she found Arlo’s strong grip grounding her. Her eyes traced their way up his arm, then his broad shoulders, and finally his face.

When he saw her worried look, his expression changed from bewildered amusement to concern in an instant. “Are you okay?”

“No! Why are you not freaking out?”

Arlo patted her hand. “I’ll handle it.” Then he turned to the table of guests. “Thank you all so much for this amazing welcome. It makes me very happy to be home. Ada and I… have a lot to discuss regarding our future. It’s been a lot of traveling and Ada is feeling run down, so please forgive us for leaving so soon. I look forward to catching up with each of you.”

Arlo squeezed Ada’s hand and then whispered into her ear, “Follow me.”

They found Brooklyn upstairs, playing Mario Kart on a movie theater-sized screen. “Brookie, time to go,” Arlo said.

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