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“Luiz seems nice.”

Arlo blew out a breath. “He’s a character.” He leaned on the counter and took another bite. “Dinner is at seven pm, so we’ll have to leave around six thirty. Does that sound okay?”

“I’m at your service. I will go where you tell me.” Ada signaled yes sir by putting two fingers to her brow.

Arlo chuckled. “Well, aren't you just agreeable this morning?” Turning his attention to the hallway, he stood. “Now, it’s time to try to get Brooklyn up. Maybe I can bribe her with ice cream.”

Ada smiled, but inwardly felt anxious for reasons she couldn’t pinpoint. Maybe it was the fact that shewasat his service. Arlo seemed to be in a social class of high society and wealth. Ada had seen it in LA, even gone to a few parties here and there but she’d never beeninwith the high rollers.What have I gotten myself into?Hopefully they won’t be able to tell that I don’t belong.

Chapter 9


Adahadtopickher jaw up off the floor as they entered Luiz’s mansion. The stucco was smooth white like a house on the Greek coast. And it was huge. Inside the theme of brilliant white continued. Vases with beautiful, bright flowers were the only colors visible. The clean backdrop made them seem even more magnificent.

And then there was the view. Ada had been impressed with their house’s view, but this… this was something other worldly. The infinity pool did its job and made it seem like you could spill into the ocean over the ledge. The patio was spacious to say the least and had lush greenery.

“Henrique, you made it!”

The three of them spun around.

Luiz approached in a clean white suit. “And this must be Brooklyn.” He reached out to shake her hand. Brooklyn tried her best to reciprocate the formal greeting. “You do look just like your mom. And thank goodness you look nothing like your uncle.” He winked at her.

“Oh she wishes she looked more like her cool uncle.” Arlo nudged his niece.

This activated the Brooklyn they all knew and loved. “Saying that just confirms how lame you are.”

“OH!” Luiz laughed at her comeback. “Quick like her mom too.”

“Annoying is more like it.” Arlo tickled Brooklyn’s side.

Looking over their shoulders, Luiz nodded. “Ah, the fun continues! Your parents just arrived!”

Ada’s heartbeat increased as she turned to face the door. “You didn’t tell me your parents were coming,” she whispered to Arlo.

The color seemed to have drained from his face.

It was Ada’s turn to ask, “Hey, are you okay?”

Before he could answer, an elegant woman in a stunning emerald, floor length dress spotted them. Next to her a tall, dark, and strikingly handsome man with salt and pepper facial hair floated alongside. His resemblance to Arlo was undeniable.

“Henrique, Brooklyn!” The woman threw her arms around her granddaughter and son at the same time, firing off what seemed to be Portuguese greetings.

After giving them both an adsorbent amount of kisses, she finally stepped back allowing her husband a chance to greet them. Arlo stuck out his hand and then pulled him in for a quick embrace.

With his hand on the small of her back, Arlo said, “Mom, Dad, this is Ada.”

Ada smiled, waiting for him to clarify their relationship… like, “This Ada, Brooklyn’snanny.” He didn’t.

Arlo continued, “Ada, this is my mom, Francisca and my dad, Paulo.”

“Nice to meet you.” Ada held out her hand.

“Oh nonsense, we hug and kiss in this family.” Francisca put her cheek next to Ada and then wrapped her arms around her tightly. When she was done, Paulo did the same. Ada realized she was stiff and holding her breath. She tried to soften her face into a smile.

“Uncle A, I’m thirsty,” Brooklyn said, tugging his arm.

“Oh, right this way.” Francisca put her arm around Brooklyn’s shoulders. “They have plenty of drink options. What do you like?” She led her toward a magnificent open kitchen with sparkling white countertops and cabinets. “They also have a game room here. Would you like to see it?”

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