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“Aw, I don’t want to go. We just got here.”

“We can come back another day,” Arlo consoled her. “We just really have to get going.”

As they were about to step out, Arlo’s mom approached. “This was the best surprise, sweetheart. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, Ada. I wish we could have enjoyed your company a while longer.” Francisca put a hand on Ada’s shoulder.

For once Ada was thankful that her body’s reaction to anxiety was a tension headache. At least they weren’t telling a complete lie to these adorable people.

Arlo lowered his voice. “Mom, we need to talk.”

“Of course we do. It’s been far too long since you’ve been home.”

Running his hand across his forehead, Arlo clarified. “There’s been a misunderstanding. I need you and dad to meet us back at Casinha com Vista. Tonight. Please.”

“Okay, sure,” she said casually. “I’ll let your father know.” Francisca did not seem to pick up on the seriousness of the situation.

Arlo leaned in to kiss her cheek. “See you soon.” Then, he led Brooklyn and Ada out the door.

Chapter 10


“Mom,whyonearthdo you guys think we’re engaged?”

Arlo and Ada sat in the living room across from his parents at their quaint lodging while Brooklyn watched TV in her room.

Francisca held out her hand. “Because we saw the picture.”

“What picture?”

Arlo’s father, Paulo, sat back with his legs crossed—silent and stoic.

“The picture of you proposing,” she explained.

“I’ve never proposed to Ada."

“Paulo, show him the picture that was sent to you.”

Paulo pulled out his phone and tapped a button.

Holding up the screen, they saw a photo of Arlo down on one knee at the rooftop coffee shop in Big Bear. Ada had her hands covering her mouth, shock on her face.

Ada inhaled sharply. “Arlo…”

“Explain that.” Francisca crossed her arms over her chest.

Arlo muttered, “That’s not… what it looks like.”

Swiping right on the screen his mother said, “Big Bear Coffee posted the photo along with the caption, ‘Congrats to the cute couple that got engaged on our rooftop today!’ That’s the two of you, correct?”

“Yes, that’s us, but I wasn’t proposing. I was… groveling. It wasn’t real.”

Francisca sniffled and held her hand over her mouth. “You mean… it was… just a hoax? I… I thought you wanted to surprise us. That’s why you hadn’t told us you were coming home.”

Arlo ran his hand through his hair. “Howdidyou find out I was coming home?”

“After I saw the photo, I spoke with Luiz to see if you’d told him you were engaged. That’s when he mentioned he wasn’t supposed to say anything, but that you were coming home to DJ the New Year’s Eve party. We just assumed…”

“Mom, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. Ada and I are just friends…” Then he looked at Ada. “We’re friends, right?”

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