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Chapter 7

Ada - Christmas Day

Adriverinablack Escalade arrived at the cabin at the crack of dawn. After a brief stop at Ada’s apartment in LA so she could grab her passport, they made their way to the airport. Within fifteen minutes, they were through security and escorted onto the runway—not to a gate like one would normally.

“What’s happening?” Ada quietly asked Arlo.

“We’re boarding the plane.”

Ada looked over her shoulder. “Where are the other passengers?”

Arlo just shrugged and motioned for Ada and Brooklyn to ascend the steps onto the plane.

“Is this how you always fly?” Ada asked Brooklyn.

“No! This is awesome! Christmas just keeps gettin better…” Brooklyn stomped up the stairs in her shiny, new boots.

Arlo smiled at her excitement.

“Clearly, there is something I’m missing. Are you guys kidnapping me?” Ada’s stomach tightened.

“Would I really book a private jet to kidnap you and use my niece as an accomplice?”

“Yes! That’s actually the perfect plan. Wait—this is aprivatejet?”

Ada took one last step before entering the cabin. It was exactly like the fancy planes she’d seen in the movies. Luxurious leather recliners and shiny wooden tables dotted the interior. There were no more than ten chairs.

Brooklyn and Arlo found seats, while Ada remained standing.

“Are you in the mafia?” she asked.

Arlo had taken a sip of water and almost spit it out at her question. “No.”

“Are you… in a boy band?”

“No.” Arlo deadpanned.

“Who else travels like this?”

A flight attendant decked out in a navy pencil skirt, matching blazer, and a scarf around her neck approached.

“Welcome Sir.” She did a subtle curtsey toward Arlo. “Please secure your seatbelts. We will be departing shortly.”

“Obrigado, Maria,” Arlo replied. Then he turned to Ada. “Pick a seat, any seat.”

Stunned, baffled, awestruck, confused… take your pick. Ada was all of them. She methodically made her way next to Brooklyn with her mouth still ajar.

“Who are you people?”

“Can we tell her yet?” Brooklyn asked while scrolling on her phone.

“Tell me what?”

Brooklyn peeked up to look at Arlo who exhaled. He rubbed a hand across his face before speaking. “We’re notexactlygoing to Brazil.”

“WHAT?” Ada’s eyes went wide. “Youarekidnapping me!”

“No.” Arlo sat up straighter. “I promise this is the opposite of that.”

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