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“What’s the opposite of kidnapping?!” Ada leaned forward, anger beginning to course through her body.

Arlo sighed. “I’m not sure… But here’s the truth.”

“It’s about time. Spill.”

“We’re going to an island off the coast of Brazil called Ilha de Segredos… in English it’s Island of Secrets.”

“You have got to be kidding me.” Ada rubbed her forehead. “Sounds super safe.”

“It’s called that because of its hidden beauty, not because of something nefarious.”

“Uh huh. So why are we going there? And why did you not tell me this before?”

Brooklyn kept her eyes on her phone with a smirk creeping across her face. “Because Arlo is—”

“Working for a very wealthy client,” Arlo finished for her. “The island is small and very close to Brazil, but most people have never heard of it.” He shrugged.

Ada exhaled and relaxed back into her seat.His answer, although somewhat evasive, seems legit. Why do I still feel like something is weird? Maybe because I’ve never even flown first class, let alone on a private jet. And the fact that I barely know Arlo…Panic rose in her chest again.What am I doing? Major lapse of judgment getting on a plane with a guy I’ve known for less than a week! But he’s friends with Chase and Maggie, who I trust…Calm seeped back into her mind slowly. She rubbed her temples trying to focus on the fact that she’d be going to a beautiful island off the coast of Brazil.It’s going to be incredible, right?

Her usual confident demeanor was slipping away like the tide going out to sea.Fake it til you make it. Don’t let them see you’re nervous.That was her daily life game plan. Being strong wasn’t always easy, but she found playing the part was essential. She was alone, but no one had to know about the way that made her feel insecure and afraid at times. Especially when she was in such a vulnerable position on the plane.

Over the speaker system a voice came on. “Hello, my name is Antonio and I will be your captain today. We are prepared for takeoff. Please let our flight attendants know if you need anything. For now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight.”

Enjoy my flight… just enjoy my flight.Ada leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She wasn’t exactly scared of flying. She just hated takeoff and landing and any hint of turbulence.Just breathe, in and out. In and out…

Ada must have dozed off because she was suddenly jolted awake with a jerk.

Over the speaker, the captain said, “We are experiencing some moderate turbulence. Please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened.”

Ada clutched the armrests. Her throat felt like it was closing. She pressed her eyes shut, willing the turbulence to disappear.

“Ada, you okay?” She heard Arlo’s voice next to her. “Actually, forget that question. You’ll probably say you’re fine, but you look a little pukey again.”

Ada blew out a breath, keeping her eyes shut tight. “Thank you for those helpful words again.”

She heard him click the seatbelt in a seat next to her. “My therapist taught me to do guided imagery when I feel anxious. Just keep your eyes closed and picture a white sandy beach with turquoise water.”

She felt his hand on her wrist, which was distractingly warm.Does this guy just radiate heat?She forced herself to follow his instructions. The picture of the beach relaxed her immediately. She exhaled the breath she had been holding.

“Good. Now feel the soft, smooth sand beneath your feet. A light breeze blows through your hair. Next to you, a handsome model-like man stretches out on a towel. His emerald eyes and dark brown hair accentuate his golden skin. And his abs… at least a twelve pack—”

Ada opened one eye and peered over at him. Clearly, he was describing himself in embellished terms. But, truly… he wasn’t that far off. The truth of the ab situation was to be determined still, but she hoped that part was false. He had enough going for him. It wasn’t fair.

“What?” He flashed his signature dazzling smile.

“Youknowwhat.” Ada said, attempting to hold back a grin. She closed her eyes again.

“Just trying to help. Is it working?”

“Maybe a little. But probably only because the image is clearly fantasy. A nice escape from reality. Just make believe.”

The fasten seatbelt signs dinged off. The captain spoke again. “We are in the clear. You are now free to roam about the cabin.”

Arlo unbuckled, leaned in and whispered near her ear. “Keep telling yourself that, Ada James.”

It was almost midnight when they finally touched down at the small island airport. The twelve hour flight felt long—even on a luxurious private jet.

Ada draped her arm over Brooklyn’s shoulders as they groggily made their way outside, where a black SUV was waiting for them.

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